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walkout at Greta Poitou-Charentes to denounce the

At the initiative of the CFDT and FSU unions, around thirty Greta Poitou-Charentes agents walked off the job, Thursday June 27, 2024 in Poitiers, to denounce the social conditions of the staff and the financial situation of the establishment.

“We are not used to going on strike. But today, we are tired, we are really exhausted. » Like this continuing education advisor, around thirty agents from Greta Poitou-Charentes expressed their distress on Thursday, June 27, 2024, early in the afternoon.

At the initiative of the FSU and the CFDT, they walked out for an hour in front of the gates of the Nelson-Mandela high school in Poitiers, where the headquarters of the group of adult training establishments is housed (1).

“Agents in default”

The striking staff are worried about the financial difficulties of the structure and denounce an increasingly heavy social climate. “For a year, we have had employees suffering. This has resulted in numerous work stoppages, departures and reports to the health and safety at work register which have exploded in recent months.”, details Yves Jamain, teacher at Nelson-Mandela high school and member of the FSU. What an employee confirms: “There were quite a few conventional ruptures, colleagues who resigned and left for other missions. »

According to the demonstrators, the new operational management of Greta is judged “incoherent”, “authoritarian” et “don’t listen to his agents”. Some even go so far as to speak of ” harassment “ or of “abuse”. “We have sounded the alarm with the management and the rectorate of Poitiers about the psychosocial risks. But they remain deaf and nothing has changed since December”notes Marianne Seddoh, of the CFDT.

In a petition signed by half of the 150 agents, the staff are demanding in particular the implementation “a single professional risk assessment document”get out of “the anxiety-provoking atmosphere” et “rebuild social dialogue”.

When contacted, the management of Greta Poitou-Charentes could not be reached in the afternoon. A new meeting is nevertheless planned with staff representatives, Monday 1is July 2024.

(1) Eight agencies are located in the former Poitou-Charentes region.


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