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Echoes of the campaign at D-3

D-3 before the first round of the early legislative elections, scheduled for Sunday, June 30, 2024! In Indre-et-Loire, the 31 candidates are leading this lightning campaign as best they can. The first public meetings, the first leaflets have taken place. Activists, parties and citizens are mobilizing… to mobilize.

Missing propaganda: for LO too

With such a short campaign, sending out election propaganda was quite a challenge. Several candidates are paying the price, having not been able to deliver their bulletins or professions of faith on time.

This is also the case for three Lutte Ouvrière candidates: in the second constituency (Anne Brunet), the fourth (Kévin Gardeau) and the fifth (Christine Delarue) whose circular did not arrive within the deadlines imposed by the prefectural administration.

“Therefore, we distribute this document to mailboxes ourselves. In a majority of cities, distribution is done in a militant manner,” underlines Kevin Gardeau, who warns: “The campaign being particularly short, it will be impossible to go everywhere…”

Imbroglio around Stéphane Le Foll’s support for Alain Dayan

It is a support that has challenged more than one. The declaration of Stéphane Le Foll (Socialist Party), mayor of Le Mans and former minister of agriculture during the François Hollande era, supporting Alain Dayan, various left-wing candidate in the first constituency, caused some stir.

If the mayor of Le Mans has never hidden his hostility towards La France Insoumise in recent years, he nevertheless lined up behind the New Popular Front (NFP) for these legislative elections. But by supporting Alain Dayan who is “remained faithful to his social democratic convictions” (sic)and who is running against Charles Fournier, outgoing MP and NFP candidate in the first constituency, Stéphane Le Foll brought confusion.

Contacted, the latter’s team denies any support and explains that “Stéphane Le Foll spoke out in support of the NFP and he does not support any candidate outside this alliance. He (Alain Dayan) did not specify that he was a candidate outside of this alliance”.

The former minister obviously read too quickly and diagonally the candidate’s profession of faith which was sent to him by SMS. “I sent him my leaflet which is nevertheless extremely clear (no mention of the NFP is made)explains Alain Dayan. He supports me out of friendship. But its national line remains support for the Popular Front”. In short, we must separate the man from the artist.

A former prime minister to support Henri Alfandari

His visit was expected. Édouard Philippe will be in Beaulieu-lès-Loches, this Friday, June 28, to support the candidacy of Henri Alfandari (Horizons) in the 3rd constituency, for the legislative elections. The former prime minister will attend the café debate organized by the candidate at the L’Estaminet restaurant all morning, from 1:15 p.m., until early afternoon. The mayor of Le Havre had already come a little over a year ago, to Loches in particular, at the invitation of the deputy.

Édouard Philippe will come to Beaulieu-lès-Loches, Friday June 28, to support the candidacy of Henri Alfandari.
© Photo archives NR, Julien Pruvost

Three out of four meetings with farmers

The National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA) and Young Farmers 37 had proposed the holding of four local debate meetings, in all the rural districts of the department.

Ultimately only three were able to take place, in Montreuil-en-Touraine, Ligueil and Cléré-les-Pins. In the fourth, the candidates declined the invitation. In the other three, everyone was present or represented, with the exception of Lutte Ouvrière.

56 bosses against the extremes

In a joint forum sent to the NR by Alexis de l’Espinay, the deputy president of the ETI Région Centre-Val de Loire club, 56 entrepreneurs from Indre-et-Loire chose to speak in a personal capacity and to alert fellow citizens on the risk that extremist voting (extreme right and extreme left) represents for the future of our country, and of course to invite our fellow citizens to vote for non-extremist parties “to remind us that no political project is not viable if it is not backed by the vitality of the company […] But be careful, neither anger nor haste are good advisors” […] on June 30 and July 7, we call for support for candidates who carry messages of trust, cooperation and responsibility. »

Many public meetings between now and Friday

Even if they do not attract all the crowds, several public meetings are organized between now and the end of the official campaign Friday evening.

> In the first constituency. Alain Dayan (various left) announces to hold « un grand meeting » this Thursday from 7 p.m. at the Halles de Tours. He announces the presence of DJ Pohpih and “artistic performances”. To get the campaign moving!

> In the second constituency. The New Popular Front candidate will be this Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in Amboise (Francis-Poulenc room). Christelle Gobert announces the interventions of PS senator Pierre-Alain Roiron, Christophe Rimpot (Place Publique) and Charles Fournier (Les Écologues, himself an outgoing MP and candidate to succeed him in the Tours constituency).

> In the third constituency. Amin Brimou (without label) will lead a meeting this Thursday at 7 p.m. in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, in Passage Chabrier (room 5).

Emmanuel François (without label) will be on Friday at 7 p.m. in Saint-Avertin with his substitute Emmanuelle Poisson. They will meet at the village hall, 6 rue de Grandmont.

Outgoing MP Henri Alfandari, Horizons candidate, proposes a slightly different format. On Friday, June 28, he is organizing a “debate day” and will be in Beaulieu-lès-Loches, at l’Estaminet, place de la ville hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. then in Saint-Avertin, at Le Faisan, 7 rue de Larçay, from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.

> In the fifth district. Outgoing MP Sabine Thillaye is holding a public meeting this Thursday, June 27 in the Salons Ronsard of the town hall of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire. The meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. The MoDem elected official invites citizens to “come and debate!” »

Lucas Janer (LR) writes to the Tours prosecutor

The Republican (LR) candidate for the first constituency of Tours announces that he has written to the public prosecutor, Thursday June 27, 2024. The candidate believes that his competitor, Charles Fournier, outgoing deputy and candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP), campaigns by playing with the rules.

He particularly calls into question the presence of NFP activists in the Sanitas district, pointing out the fact that “the activists were unable to justify their presence with an authorization to occupy public space. What’s more, the equipment used strangely resembles the equipment used by the City of Tours”. He adds that this occupation “is not an isolated case […]. If it violates the electoral code, the sincerity of the vote may be altered,” and request to “check the possible authorization to campaign and the origin of the material used”.

“When we have more arguments we attack that. It would be good to stay on the political ground”tackle Charles Fournier who affirms that the declaration was made in the prefecture: “we have the copy of the email”. As for the material, “this is not municipal equipment”. Serene, the candidate explains to stand “at the complete disposal of the prosecutor”.

A minister on the market

Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, came to Chinon to support outgoing MP Fabienne Colboc.
© Photo cor. NR, José Juan

Continuing her outings during the electoral campaign, Fabienne Colboc, outgoing MP for the 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire, was this morning on the Chinon market. She was accompanied by Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research.

“I am here, on the ground, to support Fabienne for the end of the campaign. It plays a very important role in raising demands and the state of mind in the constituency”explains the minister.

“We encountered great concern among the people of Chinon. They want to make a good choice by trying to project themselves into the future”add the two elected officials.


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