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Against “the closure of Lyon”, traders and residents “symbolically close” the City Hall

The Collective of Defenders of Lyon demonstrated in front of the town hall this Thursday morning, the day of the municipal council, to demand an end to road work in the city.

Le Figaro Lyon

Tape, sound system and smoke bombs. After demonstrating on rue Grenette, symbolically closing their shops, launching a “resistance jaw” and a poster campaign in their shops, the members of the Collective of Defenders of Lyon gathered this Thursday morning in front of Lyon City Hall to say “no to the closure of Lyon».

This movement, defining itself as “apolitical” and bringing together merchant residents and associative professionals, decided to organize “the symbolic closure of the town hall” before the start of the municipal council to launch “a cry of warning against public developments, deemed dangerous or unsuitable, and a project to transform the city whose ambition boils down to excluding the car without offering any alternative on the scale of the Lyon metropolitan area”. This collective particularly deplores “lack of consultation” of the environmentalist executive “to the detriment of quality of life, freedom of movement and security”.

In recent days, “-70%” posters have appeared in many businesses in the center of Lyon. A symbolic figure which does not concern a possible discount on goods but «the one of the drop in attendance at your independent businesses since the Lyon closure plan”according to the collective. The latter demands “the immediate suspension of all work in Lyon” and a meeting with the elected officials of the city and the metropolis of Lyon, otherwise “other actions will be planned this summer and at the start of the school year”. A petition launched in January has already collected nearly 6,000 signatures.


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