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Marseilles. RTM: a subscription rather than a fine for fraudsters


Jeremy Attali

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 4:05 p.m.

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This Thursday, June 27, 2024, the metropolitan council must vote on the implementation of a new measure.

This is thesubscription incentive RTM (Régie des Transports Métropolitains) rather than a fine in the event of fraud on the transport network in Marseille.

A subscription offered to RTM fraudsters

The proposal comes from the Council of Young Metropolitans. Will it become reality? On the social network

“When a fraudster is checked without a transport ticket, the inspector will offer to pay a fine or take out a subscription,” she wrote. “Let’s fight fraud with education! »

100,000 reports each year

Whether this measure is validated or not, an experiment in this direction is in any case already planned for next fall.

Videos: currently on -

On the RTM network, 100,000 reports are drawn up each year against fraudsters. 8% of them are paid to the RTM and the others, after three months, are then processed by the tax service.

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