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A petition to save municipal swimming pools in Alma

Closed since summer 2022, the Sainte-Marie and Saint-Sacrement swimming pools will not welcome any swimmers again this year. If the City has already confirmed that it does not intend to renovate the pool in the Isle-Maligne sector, the $3.1 million renovation project for the Saint-Sacrement pool is still pending. Without a public swimming pool for a third consecutive summer, some citizens of Alma are growing impatient and are demanding the reopening of the infrastructure.

“A major tool for the educational, fun and pedagogical aspects of our beautiful city, our swimming pools have an impact not only on our schools, but also affect neighboring villages,” we can read in an online petition.

A piece of advice that also gets impatient

Residents are not the only ones who are finding the time long, waiting for new facilities. Almaois elected officials also expressed their impatience on Monday, during the council meeting.

Mayor Sylvie Beaumont notably raised the fact that the City had quickly submitted its project to the Financial Assistance Program for Recreational, Sports and Outdoor Infrastructure (PAFIRSPA), taking care to meet all the criteria. The City also continued its efforts, producing plans and specifications in anticipation of the project.

“We wanted to be sure not to waste time, so we are currently in a call for tenders. We are waiting for the submissions, but we are especially waiting for the government, because if we want to build this swimming pool, we need the support of the government,” mentioned Ms. Beaumont. “We understand that citizens are questioning themselves, because we too are questioning ourselves. If there is pressure to put, I believe it is on the government,” she added.

“I think that it is the government of Quebec which should be the recipient of this petition,” said Councilor Frédéric Tremblay, regarding the online mobilization.

“The announcements were supposed to be made in February or March, and we are still waiting. But there is reason to be optimistic. Personally, I hope that not a penny of PAFIRSPA will be invested in entertainment infrastructure, and that we will instead keep in mind that we are doing this for the well-being of the population, the health of the population, and the practice of physical activities,” said Mr. Tremblay.

While waiting for the return of a public swimming pool, the City reminds that citizens can use the indoor pool of the Mario-Tremblay Center, the Dam-en-Terre beach, as well as the various water games set up on the territory. The transport shuttles set up last summer will not return, however, having been used very little by residents.


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