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Clermont. What is this superstructure under construction at the Lactalis dairy?

In 2025, the Clermont (Oise) dairy company will store all of its production on site. – Photo: Lactalis

The structure can be seen from afar. Even though it is not finished, motorists on the RN31 have the impression of passing right next to it. However, the construction site is located well within the city of Clermont. More precisely in the dairy company Lactalis.

Since 2022, the company has been building a super storage center – a latest generation stacker crane – on the spot. This ensemble with an area of ​​3,000 m2 is due to enter service in the summer of 2025. The aim of the operation: to store all local production on site. This amounts to 170 million liters of milk per year, whether in bottles or cartons.

Fewer trucks passing around the dairy?

Because this is not the case currently. “To date, some of the pallets are kept on site,” explains Lactalis. The other sent to a warehouse located 55 km from Clermont. For those responsible for the Clermontois site, this stacker crane will improve storage conditions. Particularly during quality testing phases.

Above all, it will have a significant impact on surrounding road traffic. “It will avoid the 5,000 trips made each year by trucks to warehouses, thus reducing the carbon footprint of this step,” promises Lactalis.

More green spaces

“This major investment from Lactalis allows us to look to the future with serenity and to ensure the sustainability of our dairy,” assures Olivier Sainte-Beuve, director of the Clermont dairy. By modernizing our Clermont dairy, we are strengthening our capacity to produce high-quality UHT milk for our consumers.” The site employs 200 people.

In addition to the storage center, the operation includes the creation of green spaces over 4,000 m2. All of this must be in keeping with the existing buildings and, above all, the city’s historic monuments. Shades of green and grey chosen for the building must minimise the impact on the landscape.
Amount of the operation for Lactalis: 20 million euros.


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