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Legislative elections 2024. In Deux-Sèvres, Marc Gaillard (without label) withdraws his candidacy

He was an atypical candidate in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, in the first constituency of Deux-Sèvres. Marc Gaillard (without label) announces this Thursday, June 27 that he is withdrawing from the race.

0% was the objective to achieve as soon as my candidacy was announced because no vote had to be missing to block to the far right, he wrote in a press release.

I decided not to broadcast propaganda and to withdraw my candidacy today so as not to penalize the grouping of the left continues the now ex-postulant, who claims to be a member of the Socialist Party (since May 2024, according to our sources).

The memory of René Gaillard

And to add, to the voters: The purpose of this investiture was to get to know you, to allow you to associate a face with a name and to perpetuate the memory of a wonderful man, whose surname I proudly bear, which some try to erase .

An allusion to René Gaillard, deputy mayor of Niort in the 1970s-1980s, who passed on to us values ​​of mutual aid, tolerance and freedom, obviously with rules. Those of the Republic that we must constantly improve and enforce to maintain the right balance .

” The next time… “

Marc Gaillard had sowed trouble in the ranks of the Niort left, by claiming his supposed membership of the local PS and introducing himself as “Marc René Gaillard” – René is also my first name assures the person concerned on social networks.

The former candidate assures: Next time will be very different. I will go to the end. I will now be a candidate in all future elections !


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