DayFR Euro

France denounces Russia’s policy of “intimidation of journalists”

Moscow announced on Tuesday that it was blocking access to the broadcasting of the AFP site and 80 other European media in its territory. “reprisals” to the EU’s decision in May to ban four Russian state media outlets.

France denounced Thursday “the policy of violation of press freedom and intimidation of journalists working in the service of independent information”two days after Moscow decided to block the broadcasting of 81 European media on its territory. “France condemns the decision taken by Russia to ban the broadcasting of several dozen European media in Russia”indicates a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“This unjustified decision will not allow us to hide the reality of the illegal Russian war of aggression in Ukraine”adds French diplomacy. Moscow announced on Tuesday that it was blocking access on its territory to the broadcasting of 81 European media outlets, including the AFP website, German media The mirrorSpanish The world et The countryItalian television RAI… in “reprisals” to the EU’s decision in May to ban four Russian state media outlets.

The Twenty-Seven had agreed in mid-May to sanction four Russian media outlets – Voice of EuropeRia Novosti, Izvestia et Rossiïskaïa Gazeta -, accused by Brussels of spreading pro-Kremlin propaganda. In its statement, Paris refutes any “equivalence between organs disseminating disinformation and state propaganda, independent media”.



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