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Legislative elections 2024. Offensive tags on posters of the Republican Right candidate in Besançon: a complaint filed

The inscription had been spotted a few days ago, rue Megevand, on a poster of Daniel Roy, the candidate, in the second constituency of Doubs, of the Republican Right, that is to say the LR party “historical channel” which did not follow Éric Ciotti and his friends in their alliance with the National Rally.

The inscription was two words: “Rdv Nuremberg”, which seemed to evoke the Nuremberg trials held in 1945-1946 against the main leaders of the Third Reich, accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The words “Nazi”, “fascist”, “Reich” tagged

The tags discovered this Wednesday morning on posters of the same candidate – but this time on an electoral sign near the Kursaal – are even more explicit. The words “Nazi”, “fascist”, “reich” and always “Nuremberg” were written on the posters of Daniel Roy and his replacement, Fabien Thernier. As well as swastikas and Celtic crosses, symbols associated with far-right organizations – unless they are targets as some passers-by interpreted. Without forgetting the Pétainist motto “work, family, patri” (sic), spelling mistake included.

“A shame for our democracy”

“Inadmissible” and “anti-democratic” inscriptions and insults, according to Michel Vienet, elected to the Department, former departmental secretary of the LR party in Doubs and current campaign director of Daniel Roy. “It is a shame for our democracy and for the voters who can no longer stand this violence as the first round of the legislative elections approaches.”

The departmental councilor filed a complaint for public insult this Thursday morning at the Besançon police station as the candidate’s campaign director.


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