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The Bayonne flea market will take place this year in mid-August

With the change in the dates of the Bayonne festivals, the Bayonne trade and crafts office has decided to separate its traditional holiday clearance sale. He will organize it on August 16, 17 and 18, 2024.

Usually, the merchants of Bayonne organize their summer sale on the eve of the holidays, hence its name: “the holiday clearance sale”. This year, because of the Olympic Games, the Holidays have been brought forward from July 10 to 14 2024. To respect tradition, the sale should therefore have taken place on July 8 and 9. “A sale is made to end a season, explains Yvan Garcia y Muriente, president of the Bayonne trade and crafts office. So if we organize a clearance sale before the holidays, with this year’s configuration, it would have fallen at the start of the season! Much too early and not relevant for traders and craftsmen!” The sale will therefore take place on August 16, 17 and 18 in the streets of Bayonne.

Yvan Garcia y Muriente, president of the Bayonne trade and crafts office © Radio France
Oihana Larzabal

The Bayonne Trade and Crafts Office brings together 1,600 stores, 83% of which are independent, a figure well above the national average.


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