DayFR Euro

Pierre Pribetich: a casting error for a real union of the left?

On paper, the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or is largely winnable for the New Popular Front… but the choice of the socialist Pierre Pribetich as candidate for the union of the left risks derailing everything. And for good reason: for many on the left, Pierre Pribetich is a repellent vote because it is first and foremost the incarnation of the brutal policy of concreting Dijon Métropole since 2001.

“Mr. Concrete” as he is regularly called is criticized both by many ecologists and left-wing groups for the preservation of natural spaces in the city. No surprise to read certain insults alongside his election posters.

Worse ! Pierre Pribetich is also the embodiment of opportunism in politics. Candidate in 2012 and 2017 on the 2th constituency, he is now a candidate in the 3th constituency. An electoral tourism that makes you cough while it gives moral lessons to certain parachuted candidates!

Finally, not sure that the strong criticism that Pierre Pribetich had expressed against NUPES today allows us to have the support of the Insoumis…

The silence of former Insoumise candidate Patricia Marc is particularly eloquent on this subject. Remember: he did not have harsh enough words to criticize the PS’ submission to Mélenchon in 2022…. Today, since he has obtained the nomination, this poses no problem for him. Even if he strives not to answer questions about the possibility of having JL Mélenchon as Prime Minister…

With all this, not sure that the left will fill up on the left in the first round. In this context and in the face of the announced rout, we better understand his aggressiveness during the candidates’ debate on the France 3 set.


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