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LEGISLATIVE: Around thirty local elected officials call to vote for Fadila Khattabi

“We consider that the dynamic carried by Fadila Khattabi is the best for the third constituency of the Côte-d’Or,” declare the elected officials, including several rural mayors, with regard to the campaign of the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority.

Press release from Fadila Khattabi of June 26, 2024:

A few days before a decisive vote for the future of the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or, more than thirty local elected officials are calling to vote for Fadila Khattabi, outgoing deputy and minister responsible for disabled people and Seniors, June 30 and July 7.

While our country is experiencing an unprecedented political context, these women and men who have been committed for many years are mobilizing and going beyond party logic to come together around the only sincere, local and credible candidacy.

The 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or is an atypical territory, as it represents our country as a whole: a metropolis, peri-urban communes and the more rural Plaine Dijonnaise. It is therefore essential to take into account the needs of each and every one of our compatriots to provide effective and sustainable responses.

Through her record, her actions, her personality and the program she carries with her deputy François Deseille, Fadila Khattabi has remained attentive to local elected officials and residents of the constituency.

Today, we see that it is creating a beautiful campaign, like the towns and villages of our territory: dynamic, unique and corresponding to the realities on the ground.

The moment is too serious to give way to programs which promise wonders and which, in reality, are only financed through new taxes: it is a dead end.

The moment is too serious to leave room for personal adventures, disconnected or parachuted applications.

The moment is too serious, finally, not to consider at their fair value the issues of access to health, employment, purchasing power, mobility, security and education with responsibility. It is urgent to offer our fellow citizens, farmers, teachers, public service agents, artisans, health professionals, traders and many others, measures adapted to our daily lives.

This is why we consider that the dynamic carried by Fadila Khattabi is the best for the 3rd constituency of Côte-d’Or. Next June 30 and July 7, let us choose unity around it and around our motto: freedom, equality, fraternity.

The signatories (34):
François PATRIAT, senator, former minister and former president of the Burgundy region.
François SAUVADET, former minister, President of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council.
François REBSAMEN, mayor of Dijon and president of the Metropolis.
Laurent GRANDGUILLAUME, former deputy for Côte-d’Or.
Jean ESMONIN, former mayor of Chenôve and former deputy.
Gilles BRACHOTTE, mayor of Thorey-en-Plaine.
Patrick MORELIÈRE, mayor of Arc-sur-Tille.
Jean-Pierre COLOMBERT, mayor of Cessey-sur-Tille.
Martial PARIZOT, mayor of Izeure.
Dominique JANIN, mayor of Aiserey.
Hubert SAUVAIN, mayor of Rouvres-en-Plaine.
Guy MORELLE, mayor of Bessey-les-Citeaux.
Jean-Marie FERREUX, mayor of Marliens.
Françoise TENENBAUM, vice-president of the Metropolis.
Marie-Hélène JUILLARD-RANDRIAN, vice-president of the Métropole.
Danielle JUBAN, vice-president of the Metropolis.
Pascal GRAPPIN, regional advisor and president of the UDI Côte-d’Or
Marie-Thérèse PUGLIESE, departmental advisor for the Côte d’Or.
Florence BIZOT, deputy mayor of Longvic.
Marien LOVICHI, deputy mayor of Dijon.
Kildine BATAILLE, deputy mayor of Dijon.
Jean-philippe MOREL, deputy mayor of Dijon.
Vincent TESTORI, delegated municipal councilor of Dijon.
Stéphanie VACHEROT, delegated municipal councilor of Dijon.
Ludmila MONTEIRO, councilor of Dijon.
Philippe THIRION, municipal councilor of Dijon.
Catherine DU TERTRE, municipal councilor of Dijon.
Claire VUILLEMIN, municipal councilor of Dijon.
Yves STURM, municipal councilor of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur.
Jacques PROST, former mayor of Longchamp.
Martine BLIGNY, former mayor of Chambeire.
Ghislaine POIVRE, former mayor of Pluvet.
André CHEVREL, former mayor of Labergement-Foigney.
Yvette ROUSSEAU, former mayor of Collonges-les-Premières

Elected officials, you would like to join our dynamic: [email protected]

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