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Macron “chief of the Armed Forces”? Marine Le Pen and François Bayrou oppose their vision

LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Emmanuel Macron photographed with soldiers of the Foreign Legion in Guyanne (illustration)


Emmanuel Macron photographed with soldiers of the Foreign Legion in Guyanne (illustration)

POLITICS – This is the showdown of the morning. In the perspective of a possible victory of the National Rally in the legislative elections, which would open the doors of Matignon to Jordan Bardella, the question of power sharing between the (possible) future Prime Minister of cohabitation and Emmanuel Macron arises in a burning manner . In an interview with Telegram published this Thursday, June 27, Marine Le Pen made it known that her foal intended to have a say on the subject of the employment of the armed forces.

“Chief of the armed forces, for the president, it is an honorary title since it is the Prime Minister who holds the purse strings”, explained the three-time candidate for the presidential election to the Breton daily. And to clarify his vision of things on the social network X: “Without calling into question the reserved domain of the President of the Republic, in matters of sending troops abroad, the Prime Minister has, through budgetary control, the means of opposing it. Jordan Bardella was therefore justified in recalling that he is opposed to sending French soldiers to Ukraine”she insisted.

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An interpretation of the distribution of powers between a head of state and his Prime Minister which made François Bayrou jump. Invited on the CNews set, the mayor of Pau and close to the Head of State came armed with the Constitution which is, according to him, a “ biblical clarity ” on the subject. In support, articles 13 and 15 of the constitutional text, which state that the head of state “ appoints to civil and military positions in the State » and that the “ President of the Republic is the head of the armies » et « chairs the councils and senior committees of national defense ».

Which is enough for the president of MoDem to assert that Marine Le Pen is diverting the spirit of the Constitution with her assertion. “If you claim that the one who appoints to civil and military positions in the State, the one who chairs the defense councils, the one about whom the Constitution states in all letters that he is the head of the armies, if you claim that this is not true, that these are titles to make it look pretty, then you are profoundly calling into question the Constitution.”he estimated.

A reframing that Marine Le Pen did not appreciate at all. “ Mr. Bayrou, who chose excess late in life, should remember that in December 1999, Prime Minister Lionel Jospin opposed the head of state’s desire to send troops to Ivory Coast. at the time of General Guéï’s putsch. The Constitution, the whole Constitution, nothing but the Constitution ” she replied on the social network X.

Both are (a little) right

So, who is telling the truth? A bit of both. As the Constitution states, “ the Prime Minister directs government action »which “determines and conducts the policy of the nation”. In addition, its article 21 requires that the head of government “ is responsible for national defense “. Which means that, even if Emmanuel Macron retains the prerogative of nuclear fire and remains head of the Armed Forces, it is impossible for him to decide on an external operation alone. And this because the military tool is, from an operational point of view, in the hands of the government.

« Foreign policy is the responsibility of the Quai d’Orsay, which reports to the government, and therefore to the Prime Minister. Same thing for the Armies. Emmanuel Macron could no longer decide anything on Ukraine for example », explains to HuffPost a senior civil servant, wringing his neck at the idea that the head of state has a “ reserved domain » on the diplomatic and military level. For example, as Marine Le Pen pointed out, during a period of cohabitation, Prime Minister Lionel Jospin actually opposed, in December 1999, the sending of troops to Côte d’Ivoire, although wanted by President Jacques Chirac.

Overhang position

In addition, it will be recalled that arms sales are subject to validation by the General Secretariat of Defense and National Security (SGDSN), which is placed under the aegis of Matignon. And, as such, Jordan Bardella (if he becomes Prime Minister) could very well prevent or limit the shipments of equipment promised to kyiv. Which would be consistent with the Russophile diplomacy long promoted by his political family.

However, it is false to suggest, as Marine Le Pen does, that the Head of State will no longer have any prerogative in matters of defense or diplomacy, since it is indeed Emmanuel Macron who represents France (and its interests) abroad.

Furthermore, during periods of cohabitation, it is up to the Head of State and his Prime Minister to distribute roles. “ The President of the Republic is installed, by texts and practice, in an overlooking position. He negotiates and ratifies treaties. He appoints ambassadors and represents the country at major international summits. », explains to The gallery the former chief of staff of Lionel Jospin Olivier Schrameck, specifying that a “ device for dealing with defense and diplomacy issues » had been installed during the last cohabitation. Proof, if ever there was one, that the role of head of the Armed Forces is not only honorary.

Also see on HuffPost:

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