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these young people who want to vote for the RN

Published on 06/27/2024 at 06:08

Written by Solemn Barlot

After the thunderous score of the National Rally in the European elections, the possibility that they obtain a majority in the early legislative elections is looming. Young people are turning more and more towards this party, some explain to us why.

According to an Ipsos poll the day after the European elections, the Bardella list did much better among those under 25 than in 2019, going from 15% to 26% of the votes. The observation is clear, the RN is attracting more and more young people. The party’s score should remain high in the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, partly thanks to the votes of young people. Some plan to vote at the National Rally on June 30, they explain to us why.

Matt* is 20 years old. He is a mechanics student near Clermont-Ferrand and, during the European elections, he voted for Jordan Bardella’s list : “I voted for the RN because, in their program, they want to lower VAT on electricity, gas, fuel and that could help many French people to live better. They also want a 10% wage increase. It is also because they are opposed to immigration and have more consideration for French citizens. They have a national preference rather than housing immigrants. I am not against immigration, because there are plenty of foreigners who come to France to work and who make sure they get by. I am against those who come and take advantage of the system without doing anything. »

“In current politics, I don’t think we have too much to complain about but there is a lot of carelessness,” he denounces. If he knows the key measures of the RN, it is also thanks to in-depth communication on social networks. “They are good on social media, especially thanks to TikTok and Jordan Bardella’s videos on that platform.”

Lucile* is commercial. At 26, she too is thinking of voting for the RN on June 30. “We should reduce the duration of residence permits if people cannot find work for a certain period of time and limit immigration by choosing students and workers as a priority. This is mainly what convinced me in the RN: immigration control. I am not racist but I know that there are racists who vote for the RN. There are always c***s but I think that the majority of people who vote RN are people like us, not the weirdos who voted for Jean-Marie le Pen at the time. »

Lucile explains why she is opposed to immigration despite everything : “For me the problem is insecurity in France, with the figure of 77% of rapes in Île-de-France committed by foreigners”. Note that this figure of 77% of rapes committed by foreigners in 2020 is based on acts committed in the street, these representing approximately 10% of all rapes recorded in Île-de-France each year. It is therefore not a percentage of the total number of rapes. But this is not the only aspect of foreign policy that Lucile would like to see change : “I am for stopping aid to Ukraine or at least slowing down. We have enough things to finance in France. We must help Europeans as a priority but in a more moderate way. »

She who has always voted for the traditional right feels ready to change : “It’s mainly for problems of insecurity. Otherwise, I have always voted on the right because I think that social assistance should be limited. We must reduce the duration of unemployment. It is not normal. I pay 600 euros in taxes per month and it drives me crazy that it’s for people who don’t work for months and months. Being entitled to unemployment is normal, the amount suits me, but for me the duration must be reduced. Other help too, I think, is too much. Myself when I was on a work-study program, thanks to all the help, I earned much more than some people who work 35 hours. It’s indecent. » She also explains having been seduced by the RN partly thanks to the networks : “Basically, I am not very into politics but on social networks, Bardella is very present. He knows how to challenge us. »

Marie, 26, has made a radical change. She, who for a long time refused the temptation of the extreme right, has changed her mind. She explains having been disappointed by those to whom she had given her voice : “In the presidential elections, I refused to vote RN, I found it shameful. I even got angry with some people in my family because of it. In both rounds, I voted for Macron. Today I think differently. I can’t stand people who call you fascist when you want to vote RN. Everyone is free to vote what they want. I can understand that it is complicated to move towards the extreme right. I think it scares people because we still have the image of Jean-Marie Le Pen. Maybe those who lead this party are not sincere, but those who vote are not fascists or racists. Maybe there is, but that’s not my way of thinking at all. I think that those who say “especially not the RN”, are those who are doing better financially or who do not feel insecurity like I do. »

“I am very happy that they got 32%. Which makes me want to vote for the RN, I believe that it is fed up with current politics. We want to show the president and his entire team that he is fed up. They go through everything in force, they don’t listen to us, we are dying “, she denounces. According to her, her professional and financial situation played a big role in her decision: “I’m not on the street, I’m not starving, but I don’t live properly. I am within 20 euros and that is not normal for someone who has studied for 5 years, who works, who pays their taxes in France. I’m down to 20 euros and I’m fed up. The fact that they want to lower taxes on gas, electricity and gasoline is a step towards us. These are things that we consume every day and that we need. I take my car to go to work. At almost 2 euros per liter, when I have to make a return trip, I think twice. I feel like I have a rope around my neck all the time. It stresses me out a lot. Sometimes I cry. I have a grocery budget not to exceed, I try to make big pots, to freeze, to respect my budget. When you have to pay for everything on the side, you can’t go any higher. »

Like others, she also mentions insecurity. : “I don’t feel safe. If I have to go to Paris, I tremble, I don’t want to. Even in Clermont-Ferrand, I no longer walk alone. » For Marie, immigration policy is not suitable either: “Regulating immigration, for me, means firstly giving to the French and then helping others. This is not to close the door to everyone. I’m not for no longer welcoming anyone, but there are French people who are working hard, who can’t take it anymore. They are the ones who finance and they are not entitled to any assistance, they are underwater. I think we need to filter between those who come because they are in difficulty in their country and those who come for aid, like elsewhere! In the United States they filter, in Canada they filter, in Australia they filter, but in France if we want to do the same thing we are racist. First we must try to make our population and our nation live properly and then we help those we can. »

Pierre* is a carpenter in Auvergne. At the age of 23, he voted for the National Rally in the European elections. He explains that he does not agree with the racist image that sticks to the extreme right: “I think that the RN is trying as much as possible to distance itself from this image that sticks to it because of the media who are afraid of their program. I think that the media are solely responsible for this situation and yes for me it is possible to talk about immigration and insecurity without being a “fascist” or racist. »

The reduction in VAT on energy, “It’s good, but the main thing is the points on security and immigration », he indicates : “Like the elimination of family allowances for the parents of repeat juvenile delinquents: if the parents were impacted, they would not let the children make such a mess. Reinstating the minimum penalties for agent or drug offenses is a very good idea. And in general terms let’s say that what I expect from the RN is to favor foreign or French workers and to give nothing to the lazy, once again French or foreign and this is the only party where I have hope there. In my daily life the feeling would surely be only on electricity or basic necessities I imagine. And in the long term, peace in the city. »

According to Ipsos, the most significant progression of the RN is perhaps in the middle class, where the RN has clearly taken the leadership: the scores increased from 19% to 29% in intermediate professions (+10 points), from 16% to 29% among Bac +2 (+13). The RN also recorded gains of more than 50% among executives (from 13% to 20% of the votes, +7), while strengthening its traditional base (40% among employees, record 54% among workers, + 14). It has become the leading party of employees (36% of the votes), the public (34%) and the private sector (37%). The competition is crushed, it’s considerable. The RN vote has also largely penetrated the Retired category, with 29% of the vote (22% in 2019).

*First names have been changed


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