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prison for the business leader who ordered the attack against Oriane Filhol

Oriane Filhol / Getty images Orianne Filhol, elected official from Saint-Denis, was beaten up in December 2023, sparking a wave of indignation.

Oriane Filhol / Getty images

Orianne Filhol, elected official from Saint-Denis, was beaten up in December 2023, sparking a wave of indignation.

JUSTICE – The affair shocked public opinion. The Bobigny criminal court sentenced a business manager this Thursday, June 27, to five years in prison, two of which were suspended, for having ordered, for an unknown reason, the attack in December 2023 on an assistant to the mayor of Saint -Denis.

A serial entrepreneur in the city involved in the associative world, Mouloud Bezzouh, 57, was found guilty of having sent young people, against the promise of remuneration, to beat up Oriane Filhol as she returned home. Men had punched her violently in the face and body.

“I lost part of my freedom, my independence”

The Bobigny prosecutor’s office had requested on Tuesday a four-year prison sentence, one of which was suspended, for the business leader. “Beyond Ms. Filhol, it is democracy that he is attacking. It attacks the ability of citizens to come and seek votes at the ballot box, (…) the ability of elected officials to be able to exercise a mandate freely and without pressure” had estimated the prosecutor Bertrand Gautier in his indictment.

Oriane Filhol, slightly injured but strongly psychologically scarred by this attack, remained helpless on Tuesday when faced with questions about the reasons for her attack. “I lost part of my freedom, my independence, which I value very much. I can no longer travel alone after a certain time, I need colleagues to accompany me to my home”she told the court, moved.

In January, the attackers were arrested and convicted. At their trial, they explained that they had been promised 2,500 euros each by a mysterious sponsor, whose name they have withheld, to beat up a person they did not know.

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