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Castres. The future of the Ensemble association suspended for work

the essential
The Ensemble Castres association wishes to renovate its outdated premises in the Albinque district to continue to support its professional integration activities.

In the aged building of the Ensemble Castres integration association, located near Place Pierre Fabre, a tempting smell emerges. Nicolas and his team prepare the meal for almost 150 guests every lunchtime, Monday to Friday. Sold for 3.40 euros, they allow many Castres in need to eat excellent meals for a modest sum. The only downside: the rest of the premises are located in a former industrial carpentry, which is not very secure.

“We need to do work to meet safety standards and improve our production tools,” explains the president of the association Michel Rodier. Installed since 1981 in the city center of Castres, the premises of nearly 900 m2 require refurbishment. This work is of crucial importance for the future of this association which works for professional and social integration.

The 38 volunteers mobilized

The project, still at the reflection stage, requires the support of the association’s financial partners to succeed. In order to obtain the desired amounts, the members of Ensemble Castres intend to highlight the numerous activities developed over time. Articulated into three poles, they allow people with obstacles such as reduced mobility or difficulty finding housing, to find work or quite simply to escape isolation.

“We have a great capacity to adapt,” rejoices the director of the association Ange Dupuy. The 38 volunteers strive to develop activities according to the needs encountered. Transversal digital workshops at the three centers were, for example, created in 2021. Support with online administrative procedures, help with writing CVs, computers available, etc. The possibilities are numerous, and open to the external public.

Ensemble offers integration projects which allow people experiencing employment difficulties to gradually integrate into the world of work. The sites offer activities in catering, personal service and recycling. The latter is a place for selling items collected and sorted by the association’s transitioning employees.

Integration projects

The volunteers also set up a section of activities for young people. From academic support to homework help directly in schools, everything is done to fight against dropping out of school. Parents are not left out either, with organized parenting actions. Members can also sign up for French language, cooking, writing classes, etc. In short, a wide choice of activities to (re)build a social life.


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