Friborg deputies began debates on Tuesday concerning the 2025 state budget, which benefits to the tune of 650,400 francs. Despite a voted entry into the matter, the discussions highlighted a general dissatisfaction with the copy of the Council of State.
The 2025 budget required “rigorous” arbitration, knowing that at the beginning of July it still had an overdraft of more than 100 million francs. With his small profit, he respects the constitutional principle of balance. A sanitation program has also been confirmed, to be defined next year.
“The indicators show that Friborg will have to face big challenges,” said the President of the Council of State Jean-Pierre Siggen. The copy for 2025 “reflects a delicate financial situation”, added the big cantonal financier, with a prioritization of expenditure. “It’s a budget of transition and responsibility.”
No referral
The UDC, through the voice of deputy Stéphane Peiry, denounced a lack of anticipation, noting too rapid growth in the budget over the years. She tried to send the matter back to the government, a request rejected by 78 votes to 25, inviting it to reassess tax revenues deemed too optimistic and to adapt spending.
The group of Greens and allies promised to contribute their ideas to the future sanitation plan. The PS also accepted the entry into the matter, regretting the attacks on services. “As responsible politicians, we must accept this budget even if it is not at all satisfactory,” noted MP Armand Jaquier.
For his part, centrist MP Christian Clément welcomed the maintenance of investments and the absence of a tax increase. President of the finance and management committee, PLR Claude Brodard also called for the dismissal, deploring the lack of effort from the executive, who “could return in December” with his copy.
Salaries not indexed
The budget includes a targeted increase in new jobs, the renunciation of any indexation of salaries, to the great dismay of the left, and a spread of measures voted by the Grand Council. “We are aware of the effort required of the public service, even if inflation has decreased,” added Jean-Pierre Siggen.
The 2025 budget further includes a reassessment of tax revenues and an indexation of vehicle tax. The Friborg deputies also voted, again on Tuesday, for an increase of 5.2% in the latter. The measure will bring in nearly 5 million. It is among those expected to bring the budget back to balance.
Total expenses amount to 4.33 billion francs, up $2.1%. Personnel costs increased by 26.9 million. The ordinary salary increase is maintained (+1.1% of the payroll). Just like the creation of 115 positions (in full-time equivalent, FTE), more than 70% of which are in teaching.
On the income side, tax revenues are increasing, particularly for the tax on the profits of legal entities and that on the income of individuals. The federal finance relief program desired by the Confederation will also “inevitably impact” state finances.
Finally, the government retains a “significant” investment envelope, with 260.1 million francs. “Thanks to the prudent policy of recent years,” said the big financier. With a rate of 51.9%, the degree of self-financing is significantly below the level of 80% considered “healthy”.
This article was automatically published. Source: ats
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