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Paris: it triggers an emergency intervention by the police for cans of olive oil

An alert which mobilized numerous police officers but ultimately didn’t do much. Saturday June 22, 2024, residents of the 9th arrondissement of Paris were undoubtedly impressed to see the implementation of a vast security operation. The reason ? The police were called by a person who claimed that an individual had shouted “Allahu Akbar” and had many cans in his car.

While the terrorist threat is high in the territory, the alert was taken seriously, as reported by our colleagues at Parisian. A security perimeter was therefore set up around the suspect vehicle. Teams from the dog brigade and the central laboratory of the Paris police headquarters were dispatched to the site.

The owners of the numerous cans returned from a trip abroad

For their part, the police managed to identify the owner of the vehicle which was at his home. He agreed to open his vehicle to the police, in which there were no less thanaround ten jerrycans, bearing inscriptions in Arabic. In these cans, In the end there was only olive oil..

His owner explained that he had returned from a trip abroad and that he had brought back a very large quantity. Statements which were finally confirmed by analyzes carried out by the central laboratory of the Paris police headquarters.

The whistleblower finally retracted his statements

Questioned, the person who had informed the police, for his part, admitted to having lied about his statements. She had finally heard a person shout “Allahou akbar”, the previous evening, during the Music Festival, and not Saturday morning, near the suspect car.

According to a police source, the security perimeter put in place was therefore lifted and the owner of the car was released and was therefore able to return home.


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