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Rights of women and children: Morocco and Gambia strengthen their cooperation | APAnews

Rabat and Banjul signed a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of women, children and people in vulnerable situations.

Initialed by two ministers, Morocco and the Gambia consolidated their bilateral relations by signing a major cooperation agreement this Tuesday in Rabat. The main objective of this agreement is the promotion and protection of the rights of women, children and people in vulnerable situations.

Aawatif Hayar, Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family, and Fatou Sanyang Kinteh, Gambian Minister of Women’s Affairs, Children and Social Welfare, appended their signatures to this strategic document which aims in particular to promote training in the field of social action.

During the signing ceremony, Ms. Hayar highlighted Morocco’s significant progress in social action, marked by the institutionalization of dedicated professions. She highlighted the programs included in the agreement, intended to support people with disabilities, the elderly and children, and affirmed the commitment of the two nations to their effective implementation.

On the sidelines of the event, Ms. Hayar also shared with the press the fruitful discussions she had with her Gambian counterpart, focused on strengthening bilateral cooperation, particularly in the area of ​​women’s economic empowerment.

She also spoke of the notable progress made by the Kingdom, under the enlightened leadership of King Mohammed VI, highlighting progress in the promotion of the status of women and children, the extension of universal health coverage and the strengthening of social protection.

For her part, Ms. Kinteh expressed The Gambia’s aspiration to strengthen ties with Morocco, to jointly address the challenges related to the rights of women, children, the elderly and people with specific needs. She expressed her country’s interest in taking advantage of the Moroccan experience, particularly in promoting the rights of women, children and social inclusion.



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