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Cycling challenge: €1,600 for organ donation

Jacques Courtade and his traveling companions did it. They cycled the 500 km they had set for themselves, between June 8 and 15. Certainly in mixed weather, but they did it! Last Saturday, they were back at square one, at the Marignac stadium where they were expected after an 8-day journey. “We were able to approach and raise awareness among many young people about bone marrow donation, which requires registration on a file and concerns 18-35 year olds; there is a whole process that can be explained,” indicates Jean Courtade , president of the Coup d’pedale pour la remission association which, at the end of this 2nd edition for the benefit of Adot 31 and Leukémie Espoir 31, will donate around €800 to both of these two associations . And this, thanks to donations and support mainly from the municipalities of Cierp-Gaud and Marignac, the Pyrénées Haut Garonnaises community of communes, and the Marignac festival committee: “I would like to say a big thank you to them,” adds Jacques Courtade who will remember the amount raised, but above all the importance of continuing to raise awareness about the donation of organs, tissues and bone marrow from which he himself benefited and which allowed him to still be in this world today .

> Contact : 06 77 41 09 98.


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