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How will the Draguignan of tomorrow be built? A public meeting scheduled for this Wednesday to understand

Seven years ago, the new Local Urban Plan (PLU) of Draguignan was created. “Today, a general revision of this document is being developed”says Sylvie Autiero, planning officer at the city’s urban planning department.

Launched at the start of 2023 – currently in the study phase – this revision will give rise to “two or three” public meetings, until its theoretical finalization during 2026-2027.

Consultations organized with the aim of “to take stock and give the population a voice on the future of their municipality”continues Danielle Adoux-Copin, deputy delegate for town planning, ecological and inclusive transition.

The first meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6 p.m., at the Saint-Exupéry complex: “All Dracénois are invited.”

General vision before private interest

First of all, what is a PLU for? Sylvie Autiero summarizes: “It is both a land use planning project, a regulatory document which applies to land law: build where and how?, and a regulatory procedure to be respected.”

If you wish to plant a tree in your garden, build a swimming pool or a pergola, you must refer to this planning document. An approach that also applies to municipal services, if they wish to modify public space.

Be careful though. “The floor will be given, but it must above all concern major themes linked to the PLUwarns the planning officer, who has planned an educational component. And not approach private projects like “and me, my plot?”

Personal requests should be referred to the public inquiry “later”when the technical services have made progress on the revision and gathered more information.

The PLU facing changes

“The peri-urban area and the center of Draguignan will be the areas primarily concerned by the future PLUwe detail. We will not touch agricultural and natural areas.”

Revegetation, densification of urban space to comply with the Zero Net Artificialization (ZAN) law, height of buildings, infrastructure linked to drinking water, etc. “We will talk about “the city about the city””illustrates Danielle Adoux-Copin.

Because, it is impossible in 2024 to think about town planning without the environmental and social prism: “Before, we didn’t ask any questions, the only obstacle to construction was moneycontextualise Sylvie Autiero. However, now the situation has been reversed: free land has ecological value, it no longer necessarily has to be occupied.”

A space also redesigned for “an aging population, young people who are staying in the family home for longer and longer, single-parent families, etc.”.

Integrate young people

Issues that the City also wishes to address with youth (11-25 years): “A questionnaire [désormais clos] was put online in order to understand their vision of the city. The results will be presented at the public meeting. Then, depending on the priority themes for them, we will have the young municipal council work on them, at the start of the school year.”

A return to school which should also include workshops on the PLU with neighborhood councils.


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