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OBITUARY: Bernard Bergeret, president of the Creusot philatelic society, has left us

Shock among the members of the Creusot philatelic association: president Bernard BERGERET had suddenly left us on Friday June 21. Nothing could predict such a disappearance knowing that he had very recently chaired two meetings: the monthly meeting on June 10 and the members’ friendly meal on June 1.
Professionally Bernard BERGERET had finished his professional career at ALSTOM as an equivalent executive but in parallel to this professional activity, philately was his great passion. Member of this company since 1967, then vice-president, he became president on January 9, 1988, succeeding the president at the time: Robert GARCELON. It was the heyday of philately with nearly 200 members! In philately authorities, Bernard BERGERET held numerous positions in local, regional and national authorities, in particular he was secretary of the Burgundy Franche Comté region, regional thematic juror, member of PROMOPHIL 71,…

His specialty: the theme of sports which earned him numerous awards: the vermeil medal at the regional congress of Audincourt in 1975 with 600 stamps on the theme of football, the bronze medal in 1977 for the 50th national congress of Annecy with the presentation “the golden book of football”, a presentation which will then be exhibited during the 60th final of the Coupe de France in the lounges of the Parc des Princes, the Silver medal in Nevers with its collection on the golf, the Grand Argent medal at the exhibition at the exhibition in Valence in 1995, the presentation of 300 pages on football in 1997 on Place Bellecour in Lyon…
Bernard BERGERET with the members of the association was the linchpin in organizing numerous philatelic exhibitions at Le Creusot on the occasion of important events: illustrated flame “Le Creusot – industry – tourism”, Red Cross stamps, Stamp Days, Le Creusot fair, Le Creusot TGV, centenary of Lake Torcy, Centenary of the revolution, Combes train, centenary of the Hôtel Dieu, 100 years of metallurgy… and more recently the national release on September 20, 2019 of the stamp “LE CREUSOT” illustrated with the sledgehammer, the bell towers of St Henri and the facade of the Château de la Verrerie, an event of which he was very proud and which attracted a large audience.
In the unanimous opinion of the members, it is a great loss for the Le Creusot philatelic society which sees its members shrink each year and whose succession to the position of president will be difficult. All members extend their sincere condolences to his wife Danielle, his children and grandchildren. The religious ceremony will take place Thursday June 27 at 10:30 a.m. in the St Henri Le Creusot church.

Serge Pocheron

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