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Bourg En Bresse: whoever says nothing consents!!! (GEPSA) | UFAP

the 25/06/2024

The local UFAP/Unsa justice office is outraged by the disastrous management of the GEPSA site manager.

Since his arrival at our Bressan establishment, a constant turnover of staff has taken place.
causing difficulties in all services (workshops, canteens, laundry, maintenance, etc.)

And the headlong rush continues, others are about to leave…

The attitude of this manager poses a problem of conscience to the local UFAP/UNSa justice office.

Indeed, many GEPSA staff come knocking on our door to find support or answers to grotesque situations.
GEPSA union organizations have already moved on several occasions due to management methods
causing problems on our site.

BUT NOTHING MOVES…. And especially not this lady!!!

This lady who in passing complained of having been mistreated during the last protest movement.

The local office invites this lady to inquire about the management carried out elsewhere during these events……

She will realize that contrary to what she says, the local organizations have been more than educational and caring.

PEDAGOGY, A word which does not seem to be part of his lexical field given the state of mind of his teams towards him.


Indeed, the local office recalls his comments linked to his so-called feeling of insecurity
within the workshops.

This person seems to no longer want to go to the workshops, the AP apparently does not guarantee his safety.

Wouldn’t this feeling rather be the result of his broken promises to the penal population???

One example among many…

As a reminder, the director of the CP of Bourg en Bresse had to remind this lady that the function takes precedence over the rank and this in view of his inappropriate attitude recently towards administrative staff who were only doing their job!! !

We have been informed that certain agents (GEPSA), recruited for fixed-term contracts, for specific missions seem
not wanting to come back as long as she is on site.

The local UFAP UNSa Justice office learned that staff would be under threat of sanctions simply because they
shows frankness and does not fit “the mold”. Staff who, since their attachment to Bourg en Bresse, have
always unanimous among staff (GEPSA/SODEXO/AP)


But who does this lady think she is!!! ???
His predecessor, HIM, was appreciated by his teams (and not only that…) and is now missed. She’s not following in his footsteps, to say the least.

The local UFAP UNSa Justice office demands accountability, because this situation has an impact on the
daily work of all staff.

The local UFAP UNSa Justice office provides all its support to GEPSA staff.

The local UFAP UNSa Justice office requests the carrying out of an audit by the services of the
DISP and that light be shed on the conditions in which this manager runs her service

The local office will support any action to support GEPSA staff in difficulty and
will support him in his efforts if the need arises.


For the local office,
Benjamin TECHER, Olivier PONT and Jonny DE FARIA


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