DayFR Euro

Rugby. A historic season for Cadaujac, promoted to Fédérale 3

Failing so close always leads to feelings of disappointment and frustration. But the defeat in the final of the French Regional 1 championship, last Sunday in L’Isle-Jourdain against Corbières XV (23-33), should not make the Cadaujacais forget that they had a fabulous run. Create…

Failing so close always leads to feelings of disappointment and frustration. But the defeat in the final of the French Regional 1 championship, last Sunday in L’Isle-Jourdain against Corbières XV (23-33), should not make the Cadaujacais forget that they had a fabulous run. Created in 1978, the RCC has just experienced one of its finest pages, with a local final won in April against Cestas (26-18), and an unprecedented rise in Federal 3.

Even if there was not much missing to achieve the double, Maxime Deguin is a happy captain: “the season was incredible, the objective was brought forward by three years. We are a team of cadets who made a team of mercenaries doubt. We missed three match points, there was room. It comes down to details and also decisions by the refereeing body. Thanks to this adventure, this group and the club gained a lot of experience in two months. The Cadaujac club is reborn and I am proud of it! »

“Never give up”

After a Fédérale 1 championship title in 2023 with Stade Langonnais, the scrum half returned to his very first club, bringing in his luggage other former Langonnais, including his long-time friend Charlie Arraté, who played his very last match: “we are obviously disappointed, but we came up against a big team, very strong physically. We made too many mistakes to be able to get the victory. We made them doubt until the end, it’s our DNA to never give up,” said the flyhalf.

Another former player who arrived from Langon, third row Hugo-Pierre Auzou, who felt at home in Cadaujac: “last year Max (Deguin), Charlie (Arraté) and Jerem (Moreau) gave me brings it to life vicariously. At the end of the won final, we promised ourselves to do the same thing this year, unfortunately we narrowly failed. In front it was very tough, but I think we waged war on them in a way they have rarely seen, we made them more than doubt. So being a Malabar doesn’t help at that level, the heart is better. What we have done is extraordinary for the RCC. We have strengthened a family that already existed and we are very proud of it. » Now it’s time for Federal 3, an exciting challenge for the Rouge et Noir.


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