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The average age of EMS residents is tending to increase in the canton of Vaud. At the end of 2022, the average age is 85.5 years, eight and a half months more than ten years ago. From the age of 80, one in ten people is housed in a medico-social establishment.

Largely female, the population housed in EMS stays there for an average of two years. More than half of admissions follow hospitalization and only a quarter of residents arrive directly from their home, Statistique Vaud indicated on Tuesday.

Longer at home

In recent years, the rate of EMS use has been gradually declining, despite demographic aging. Conversely, under the impetus of the home care policy, the use of home care increased significantly during the same period.

People housed in EMS are increasingly older. Three quarters of residents are women, and they are on average older (86.7 years) than men (82.3 years).

The predominance of women is explained by their greater longevity, but also by an under-representation of men. By often benefiting from the help of their partner, generally younger, some men can stay at home longer, observes Statistique Vaud.

More care needs

As a corollary of a higher average age, the need for care has increased. The resident population presents a high dependency and an altered state of health. Half of them receive three or more hours of daily care, a proportion which has increased in recent years, details a press release.

At the same age, men and women have similar care needs. But since women are older, their care time is a little higher. The needs and intensity of their care tend to increase over the course of their EMS journey.

Basic care takes up 70% of total care time: of the approximately three hours of daily care received by residents, nearly two hours are devoted to basic care, namely hygiene care, mobilization, help with clothing and nutrition, continues Statistique Vaud.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats


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