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Civic Passport Ceremony


At the start of the school year, the City of Saint-Dizier launched the third edition of the Citizenship Passport to the 275 CM2 students in the city’s schools. Throughout the school year, young people were able to complete a civic journey through several concrete actions to be carried out as a family or with the class. The objective is to strengthen attachment to the territory, civic engagement and civic responsibility of young people.

End clap for the 3rd edition of the Citizenship Passport

Organized and financed by the City of Saint-Dizier, the Civic Passport benefited from broad support from principals and teachers. A system already developed in more than 400 French municipalities, it was adapted to reflect local identity in the form of a booklet which accompanied apprentice citizens throughout their school year.

The civic journey was structured around 7 themes:

  • Let’s go, children of the homeland! (theme “Know the values ​​of the Republic”)
  • Psss… do you remember the past? (theme “The duty to remember”)
  • Come on, let’s help each other! (theme “Know how to give and be supportive”)
  • Caring for those who have cared for us (“Caring for our elders” theme)
  • Young citizens to the rescue! (theme “Relp and protect yourself”)
  • Nature is beautiful, I take care of it (theme “Knowing and valuing the environment”)
  • I flash on my city, on France (theme “Discover our heritage”)

These themes were embodied by one or more referent ambassadors: elected officials, city services, BA113, Sub-prefecture, Souvenir Français, TICEA, Rescue center, Civil protection, The Red Cross, The education league, Ensemble pour play, Valcourt Observatory, Ciné Quai, ONACVG, Lycée Saint-Exupéry.

During this school year, young people were able to better understand the symbols of our Republic through the simulation of a polling station; bring to life the memory of our heroes through patriotic ceremonies; practicing solidarity with our elders and with out-of-school children in Mayotte by collecting school supplies or taking care of nature by planting 300 trees in their name. They were also able to discover the flagship of our defense that is Air Base 113, but also our local heritage through a treasure hunt in the streets of the city. The children were also able to give ideas to imagine the Saint-Dizier of tomorrow: more than 600 were collected! The highlight of this journey was the beautiful trip to the Château de Fontainebleau, offered by the City, which took place on Thursdays, May 30 and June 6.

Medal ceremony on Tuesday June 25 at 5:30 p.m. in Les Fuseaux

This year was exceptionally rich in actions, the CM2s of Saint-Dizier having, together, accomplished more than 3,100 civic actions!

Also, the children will be rewarded for their commitment during a medal ceremony on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in Les Fuseaux in the presence of Quentin Brière, Mayor of Saint-Dizier, Virginia Clausse, deputy in charge of educational support, and by Frédéric Bonnard, Inspector of National Education.

To obtain a medal, the children had to carry out several actions:

  • Bronze medal: 3 to 4 actions in 3 or 4 different themes
  • Silver medal: 5 to 6 actions in 5 or 6 different themes
  • Gold medal: at least 1 action in each of the 7 themes
  • Special City of Saint-Dizier prize: 10 missions or more in 7 different themes
  • “Imagine Saint-Dizier tomorrow” prize for the 3 best ideas

267 medals – 166 gold medals, 90 silver medals, 11 bronze medals – will be awarded, as well as 158 special prizes.

[ Publié le : mardi 25 juin 2024, à 10h30 ]

[ Dernière mise à jour : mardi 25 juin 2024, à 10h33 ]



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