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“Xenophobic” evening in Rouen: the mayor calls on Gérald Darmanin

A “Foreigners Out” evening is planned for Friday June 28 in a bar in Rouen run by the identity right. “It is extremely serious and revealing of what could happen in the country if the extreme right came to power,” warns the city’s mayor.

The PS mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, announced Monday June 24 that he had sent a letter to Gérald Darmanin to ask him to dissolve the organizing association ofan evening with character “xenophobic” scheduled in a bar in the city on June 28.

In this letter, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol asks the Minister of the Interior to “take all measures“in his power,”in the very short term“, to dissolve the association and ban the evening’s theme song, the xenophobic German chant “Ausländer raus” (Foreigners Out).

This is extremely serious and revealing what could happen in the country if the far right came to power“, declared the mayor of Rouen, contacted by AFP, “a release of openly xenophobic and racist words and actions, contrary to the values ​​of our republic“.

“Foreigners out”

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The evening is to be held on Friday, according to a letter from the mayor sent to the prosecutor on Friday, in “the right-wing identity bar” Le Mora. It is organized by an association of the same name, already identified for “White Men Only” type evenings (reserved for white men, editor’s note) according to the town hall.

The title of the evening “refers to a Nazi slogan and a recent song created in Germany by the Afd (far-right party, editor’s note) and propagated as an anthem of the European far-right“according to Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol who judges it”incompatible with the French Republic“.


You have a ‘strangers out’ party, at 2am the guests leave drunk, what will happen afterwards?, he asked. “Everyone must realize that our country is at this point, we can have massacres, violence, fights, it is proliferating, Gérald Darmanin must act immediately“.

In a press release published on its Instagram page on Saturday, the bar believes that welcoming “additional immigrants is not desirable” and “patriotic ideas are more and more popular among young Europeans, we will have to get used to it“. In this press release, the organizers invited Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol to this evening “Foreigners outside”, which according to them is “open to all“.

(upday with AFP)


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