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Olympic flame in Montbéliard, “a pride and an honor” for mayor Marie-Noëlle Biguinet

Festive day today in Montbéliard, the Olympic flame arrives this Tuesday afternoon in the City of Princes. A 5 kilometer route starting from the Bermont bridge in front of La Roselière which will begin at precisely 2:46 p.m. 24 torchbearers will follow one another to reach the Jacky Boxberger stadium. This Tuesday morning on our antenna, Marie-Noëlle Biguinet, the mayor of Montbéliarddid not hide his pride in hosting such an event: “In my opinion, the Olympic Games represent all the values ​​that sport can conveyvalues ​​of endurance, surpassing oneself, solidarity, teamwork, and with the political period we are experiencing at the moment it is very topical, sport must set an example for us of how we should behave”

The Olympic flame © Maxppp
Jean-François Ottonello

Benefits for local businesses

To welcome the Olympic flame, the Doubs department spent 180 thousand eurosa large but justified sum for Marie-Noëlle Biguinet: “many departments have decided to invest in this way and make sport a great celebration which is at the same time a factor of activity and attractiveness for shops, bars and restaurants”


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