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at 8 years old, Satyavati joined the sport-study program in Saint-Étienne

At 8 years old, Satyavati Bavarois, a young gymnast from Porto, will fly to Saint-Étienne, the day after the USPGSA end-of-year gala, to join the sports-studies program. It is at the Indépendante Stéphanoise club that the CE2 student will continue to train, at the rate of 20 hours of training per week. We publish the post of the city of the Port below (Photo: Mairie du Port)

“Supported by the city of the Port, Satyavati Bavarois benefited from an excellence scholarship, an individual aid system deployed by the community to encourage high-level sporting practice,” explains the Porto municipality.

Satyavati Bavarian started babygym at 2 years old. She made her first competitions at the age of 6 in federal B but only stayed there for a very short time. Spotted by the coaches, she moved into the performance group and won the titles of departmental champion and regional team champion.

This is how she joined the Gym Étude class at the Léonide Letoullec school. This year, she is regional and departmental individual champion, as well as regional team vice-champion.

News from Reunion, Le Port, Gymnastics


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