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Legislative elections 2024. In Vendée, Philippe Latombe wants to “build a new hospital in Challans”

Determined to continue his work as a deputy, Philippe Latombe, 49, is representing himself in the first constituency of Vendée, that of La Roche Nord – Challans.

“Member of the Law Commission since 2017, member of the CNIL college (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties), I worked on the cyber protection of the 2024 Olympic Games”, he recalls. The former parliamentarian deplores: “My report has been presented, but our work on the cybersecurity of companies, communities and public establishments within the framework of a European directive has been completely stopped. »

Before his mandate, Philippe Latombe from Nantes was head of litigation at a bank.

“Construction of a new hospital in Challans”

Locally, Philippe Latombe supported the establishment of a gendarmerie brigade in Bois-de-Céné. “The ten positions will be occupied at the end of 2024. They will allow the Challans gendarmes to be more present in the city. »

The outgoing MP is campaigning for the construction of a new hospital in Challans instead of renovating the existing one. “The choice will be made in consultation with the territory’s elected officials: a parliamentarian does not decide for them,” he insists.

For La Roche-sur-Yon, reindustrialization and the creation of a police headquarters are the issues that the candidate wants to see move forward.

He sees in the massive vote for the extreme right “a fear, a feeling of being downgraded and the rejection of a centralized and Parisian power that I can understand. We did the job, but it takes time to see the effects. »


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