DayFR Euro

everything… or nothing!

Local and field actors, of all sides and political opinions, it seemed our duty to pose some observations on the reconstruction project of the Chaumont, Langres and Bourbonne-les-Bains hospitals.

The project supported by the ARS and carried out by the Dijon University Hospital, for which we obtained a previously unheard of State participation (70 million) and exceptional subsidies from the Departmental Council, the GIP and the Regional Council ( 70 million), is already launched, with the choices of construction assistants in the coming months. The timetable is set: with more than 140 million works, this is the project of the century for our region and our local businesses.

Let’s be clear and honest: to call this project into question is to bury the hospitals of Chaumont and Langres. But nothing would be done instead: these exceptional subsidies would not be put into a magic fund from which the money would be taken out when another option had been chosen, after years of endless palaver and debate. no longer finish. This money would go elsewhere: our partners would not wait for us.

The train will not come back! It’s no longer Option A or Option B: it’s Option A or…nothing.

A choice has been made, a logical choice of proximity and efficiency : rebuild the Chaumont and Langres hospitals, as close as possible to residents and other structures (clinic, blood establishment, nursing school, networks, etc.), far from an artificial, expensive and deadly project for cities that would be emptied of their services to the population and whose centers would be deserted. Health is too vital and serious a subject to be held hostage to political struggles.

Let’s support our hospitals that we want to see rebuilt!


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