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“We stole his childhood,” his parents denounce

Un moving testimony. The parents of the 12-year-old Jewish girl raped in Courbevoie spoke for the first time this Monday, June 24, on TF1. “She has flashbacks. We are horrified by the abominable acts that were perpetrated on our daughter, we have the impression that her childhood was stolen from her,” said her father, who spoke on condition of anonymity, his face hidden and his face hidden. voice changed.

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Tuesday June 18, two teenagers were indicted for gang rape, death threats, insults and anti-Semitic violence. A third minor, also aged 12, was placed under the status of assisted witness for the acts of rape.

“Anti-Semitism in its flesh”

According to her parents, the young girl was the victim of an “ambush”. “I don’t see how a boy who doesn’t live in the city at all ends up in the square” near the family home, insists the mother.​​​​​​ In an interview with Point, lawyer Muriel Ouaknine-Melki, who represents the young girl and her parents, denounced a “punitive expedition”. According to her, the three teenagers “came to the foot of her building, below her house, to punish her for not having said that she was Jewish”.

The young girl told investigators that she had been called a “dirty Jew.” According to her lawyer, the three boys “accused her of being a supporter of Israel and of being against Palestine.” “It’s the whole of society that is sick, it’s the whole of society that must contribute to our recovery,” insists the mother. “Our daughter experienced anti-Semitism in her flesh,” her parents confided in a second interview given to Parisian.


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