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after the arrival of Cyril Hanouna, journalists withdraw

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The question of the independence of the media from large groups has already been raised for many years. Indeed, a few billionaires share television channels, radio stations and newspapers. Thus, Bernard Arnault, through the LVMH group, owns Le Parisien and Les Échos. The Altice group, owned by Patrick Drahi, owns Libération, TMC and BFMTV. Gold, Europe 1 is part of the Lagardère group (Arnaud Lagardère). But last November, the Vivendi group (belonging to Vincent Bolloré) ended up becoming the main shareholder. And since, internally, many journalists denounce a change in method in processing information.

One of the cases that ignited the powder is called We walk on the head. Produced at the last minute as part of the campaign for the early legislative elections, the show is hosted by Cyril Hanouna. But we also find a lot of regulars, who also normally accompany him in TPMP. Like Géraldine Maillet or Valérie Benaïm. The arrival of this team on Europe 1 was made to the detriment of Sophie Davant’s talk show. An astonishing situation, which even gave rise to persistent rumors about a bad atmosphere within the radio. The host nevertheless managed to smile before wishing good luck to the C8 troublemaker, who gave her a kiss before getting the microphone back. But this change of program does not leave everyone indifferent…

Europe 1: who controls the media and who is leaving?

France Info carried out the investigation in the corridors of the station. The objective? Take the temperature of the journalists stationed on site. Those who agreed to speak nevertheless asked to remain anonymous. A colleague denounces an increasingly present discontent since last November. The arrival of Cyril Hanouna would simply be the most blatant illustration of a hierarchy which imposes a tone, without dialogue with the teams.

“We were taken as traitors. This super divisive choice was imposed on us (…) There has been great unease for several months and even more so since the arrival of Cyril Hanouna. », confides a witness whose anonymity was preserved during the investigation.

The new show landed on Europe 1 left employees doubtful. Some fear that he will reproduce on the air what he was already doing on C8. In short: take a position against the left, and in favor of the right, without hiding it.

“The day it went on air, several people told me they wanted to leave radio. We have the impression of a silent and global resignation from management. »

For some, the evolution of the editorial line has everything to do with the group owned by Vincent Bolloré.

“This choice was obviously imposed from above. Since the takeover bid in November by Vincent Bolloré, Europe 1 is not a limited partnership, they only implement what they are asked to do. There is no longer a captain on the boat. Or maybe he’s on Vivendi’s side. »

A bad signal for the teams

Journalists, like some listeners, have noticed the shift to the right which is taking place on the airwaves of Europe 1. Some have already resigned. One of the journalists who left the ship denounces a working environment that has become tense. And questionable instructions in terms of ethics.

“It was the last straw. (…) The day Cyril arrived was difficult for everyone. It really was a funeral atmosphere. It’s a word chosen because that’s really what we said to each other. We really had the impression of burying Europe 1 and what this media was before. We have really become accustomed to having right-wing, even far-right, treatment of the news, from chosen, dishonest, diverted angles. We were used to it. But there, we were faced with two hours of information in a completely ideological program, a complete caricature. », Confides a former journalist from Europe 1 to France Info.

According to the latest news, and despite Arcom’s warning, the show On marche sur la tête seems to be attracting good audiences. But within the editorial staff, opinions differ. And before leaving Europe 1, some do not hesitate to empty their bags.

“In total disagreement with the editorial line of Europe 1 in recent weeks (and even more in recent days), I am ending my collaboration with the radio (…) Providing objective information, with a concern for contradiction, has always dictated my action in the field, and it appears to me today that this requirement is no longer respected, whether in the reporting orders (or the angles requested) and, even more generally, on the air. However, this should be a necessity not only at all times, but even more so in these troubled times politically, socially, ecologically, economically and diplomatically speaking. », writes a freelancer who has stopped collaborating with the radio.

Those who are thinking of leaving emphasize a certain control over their work and over the themes they must now address. A sorting of subjects on Europe 1 which would have a clear objective: to promote the right.

“Reporters must propose subjects that are ‘in line’,” assures one of these journalists. In the morning note [NDLR : un document interne transmis aux journalistes du média], we call this ‘our markers’. Clearly, we are asked to look at social facts especially linked to immigration… These are often news items committed by illegal immigrants, S files. Politically, we are, for example, forbidden to qualify the RN or Reconquest far-right party. On the other hand, LFI is far left. »

Clear instructions, which, if they really exist, weigh heavily on the so-called neutrality of radio.

“Whether in the subjects and the angles chosen (…) there is a real emphasis given to ‘the line’. This is the word constantly repeated by the hierarchy. Namely, news items or subjects that concern the right-wing electorate. », Comments a journalist who is also thinking of resigning.


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