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Pilgrims to Mecca and Covid-19… alarming figures revealed!

A series of Covid-19 tests on pilgrims returning from Mecca showed a Coronavirus positivity rate of 63% according to the Institute of Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training (Iressef).

Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) carried out at Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) revealed this alarming rate of 63% among Senegalese pilgrims returning from Mecca. This high figure could be explained by recent infections contracted by pilgrims just before their departure from Mecca, underlines Iressef in a press release arrived this Monday.

To confirm these results, the research institute set up a secure sample shipping system to its facilities near the airport. RT-PCR tests, considered the gold standard method, showed a positivity rate of 29%.

These figures indicate that approximately half of the pilgrims testing positive by RDT are in an active phase of viral replication, making them highly contagious. This situation highlights the urgency of appropriate control and isolation measures, warns Iressef.

In addition to Covid-19 cases, in-depth analyzes have highlighted co-infections. Two SARS-CoV-2 positive patients were also identified as carrying the H1N1 influenza virus, illustrating the complexity of current health challenges.

The high positivity rates observed highlight the critical importance of maintaining rigorous medical surveillance, not only at airports, but also at Senegal’s land and sea points of entry. This proactive approach is essential to effectively control the spread of emerging and re-emerging diseases, thereby protecting public health at the national level.



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