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Laurent Berger in Matignon? The former leader of the CFDT (almost) closes the door

Laurent Berger, former leader of the CFDT, answers questions from Télématin on Monday June 24, 2024.

Laurent Berger, former leader of the CFDT, answers questions from Télématin on Monday June 24, 2024.

POLICY – “We are not in a small horse race. » One week before the first round of the legislative elections, the former leader of the CFDT Laurent Berger assures that he has no intention of returning to the “public life”. What does it matter if some see him in Matignon in the event of victory of the new Popular Front in the legislative elections, like Raphaël Glucksmann, candidate of the Socialist Party in the European elections.

While the left alliance still has no natural candidate for the post of Prime Minister, the former leader of the CFDT cuts short speculation. “ I will be very clear, I have made the choice to withdraw from public life”he declared this Monday, June 24 on Télématin. “If some people think that Matignon interests me, I can assure you that my current life satisfies me completely”he insists in the columns of Monde.

Before giving up, however, relaunched on the possibility of “reconsider the idea of ​​political commitment” at the end of the legislative elections : “If I had wanted to create a social democratic party, I would have done it already. Afterwards, I will look at the situation. » A way of not insulting the future.

“The urgency is to avoid the RN”

The ex-unionist does not hide his concern about the current political situation: “What I want is not to live in a country that would be governed and presided over by the National Rally,” he insists on Télématin, as you can hear below:

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“The subject, from now on, the first emergency, is to avoid the RN”, he insisted again. “ This training provides no response to the economic, social, ecological and democratic challenges that we all face. It leads us towards an impasse”. In The world he adds : “if I can convince citizens to vote against the RN, so much the better: that’s why I’m speaking today.”

Finally, questioned about the scenario of Jean-Luc Mélenchon at Matignon, the former general secretary of the CFDT believes: “ It can’t be Jean-Luc Mélenchon. We have to stop these stories (…) He is trying to dynamite everything. You know, there will be chaos makers everywhere. What is needed is appeasement, reconciliation and the ability to talk to each other and compromise.”. However, “summarizing the alliance made on the left with LFI is a gross abuse”, he believes.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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