DayFR Euro

Coils, beware of cigarette butts!

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the city of Houilles, in Yvelines, organized with the company Cy-Clope numerous awareness-raising operations against cigarette butt pollution of cigarettes. In parallel with this event, the municipality installed 22 ashtrays in different public places in order to fight against the accumulation of this scourge in the streets.

We are the first city in Yvelines to opt for maximum coverage of its territory, with the objective of improving the cleanliness of the streets and reducing the environmental impact of cigarette butts.“, informed the town of Houilles.

Fight against this scourge

According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition in France, 23.5 billion cigarette butts are thrown into public spaces every year. The installation of these ashtrays is an action of fight against this scourge in the commune of Houilles. To create these installations, the city called on the company Cy-Clope, specialized in the collection and recovery of waste in a short circuit.

The installed ashtrays are called cy-clopeursthey are yellow, in the colors of Houilles. They were placed at different strategic points, notably near the tobacco, bars, restaurants and places of passage.

Used cigarette butts recovered and transformed

Two of the cyclers were placed at the municipal technical center of Houilles, and will be used during events bringing together the public. These ashtrays have a capacity of 10,000 cigarette butts, which once collected will be valued by the group Chimireclocated in Seine-Saint-Denis, French leader in the treatment of hazardous waste.

Ces used cigarette butts will then be transformed into a fine powder, which can then be reused in the preparation of cement. “These alternative energy fuels save the use of fossil materials and thus contribute to the preservation of natural resources.“, declares Chimirec on his internet.


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