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Local development: Morocco supports Congo

Morocco supports Congo in matters of local development. Thanks to the African Fund to Support International Decentralized Cooperation (Facdi), a total of 1.4 billion CFA francs (around 23 million DH) will be allocated to eight local authorities in Congo to finance development projects, according to the ministry Congolese Decentralization and Local Development. These are the departmental and municipal councils of Brazzaville, Impfondo, Pointe-Noire, Niari and Pokola, Kintele, Oyo and Madingou. The projects to be developed in these communities are diverse and primarily aim to boost local development, improve the living conditions of populations and institutionally strengthen local authorities.

Among these projects, we note that of Impfondo with the support of the provincial council of Zagora, to benefit from public lighting by photovoltaic panels. Niari, with the support of the Moroccan region of Oriental, will focus on territorial management, support for the establishment of the carpentry sector at the multimodal training complex. Madingou will see the redevelopment of its local products market with the support of the Taroudant provincial council.

For Brazzaville it will be a question of building artistic and cultural platforms. For Kintélé, it will be a question of rehabilitating and equipping the health center in partnership with the municipality of Benguerir. Concerning Oyo, this will involve the assistance of the provincial council of Larache to develop the fairground market.


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