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the mayor of the 8th arrondissement calls for national police reinforcements against an illegal market

In the 8th arrondissement of Lyon, street vendors now gather in their hundreds near the United States market. The town hall and residents denounce the laissez-faire approach.

On the vast Place du 8-Mai 1945 in the 8th arrondissement of Lyon, the food market in the United States district has coexisted since the beginning of the year with a wild market. Faced with this situation, the town hall tried to intervene on several occasions: first by placing barriers then by dispatching police resources.

“Without strong intervention from the State, we will not be able to put an end to this wild market alone,” insisted Olivier Berzane, environmentalist mayor of the 8th arrondissement of Lyon, guest of BFM Lyon this Friday, June 21.

The environmentalist mayor of the 8th arrondissement points out in particular the dangerousness of the products sold. “We would like to work on the issue of poverty but no one wants to go today in the middle of 500 to 600 people who are there to do their business, with sales of medicines, products taken out of the cold chain, mobile phones “.

No more police

Concretely, he calls for the recurring presence of the national police “for a sufficient period of time, so that the message is heard, so that we do not ratify this situation”.

According to the town hall, the number of street vendors increased from a few dozen to 500 in four months. Some residents, annoyed by this situation, are also demanding police intervention.

“We have a beautiful neighborhood and are constantly invaded by litter three times a week,” laments Danielle. “At the slightest thing, we are fined, people fall on us but there, nothing,” adds Michel.

Other people, on the contrary, find interest in this wild market. “People find happiness there with things that cannot be found in the markets or in supermarkets. It is also a place to meet up,” considers Fethi.

A skill of the city

For its part, the Rhône prefecture delays the requests of the town hall and residents by reminding that securing the market is a competence of the city. “The police intervene regularly in the sector. Delinquency has fallen in the 8th arrondissement by 15% since the start of the year,” she tells BFM Lyon.

Olivier Berzane considers, on the contrary, that given the seriousness of the facts observed in this uncontrolled market, it is up to the State to act. “The city employs municipal police officers to allow the legal market to take place in good conditions, and even goes beyond, in the afternoon to allow the cleaning staff of the metropolis not to be attacked,” estimates- he.

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