“If it's war that the scum want, they're going to have it. In the 80s, there were ratonades. At the risk of shocking, it could start again”. This is part of the message that Florence Médina posted on her Facebook account, accessible to allin November 2023 and which earned him the opportunity to appear on Thursday before the Montpellier criminal court.
“In Perpignan, we said ratonnade for the Gypsies”
The death of young Thomas in Crépol had scandalized her, “I overreacted, I was emotional” explains the fifty-year-old with long, blond hair. At the helm, as during his custodyFlorence Médina acknowledges having written this message but fiercely contests the racist character of his words.
Alix Fredon, the president of the court, may read to her the definition of “ratonnade”, her assessor reminds her that this word comes from “raton”, a racist insult to designate North Africans, Florence Médina retorts without batting an eyelid that for her, he can be Italians or Gypsies. Playing the naivety card, she suggests to the court: “Perhaps I should have written ‘vengeance’...”
– What grade level do you have? ? the president then asks him
– Bac +4 but not literarywishes to clarify the defendant
– Yes, but do you still master the French language?
Difficult for the one who presented under the banner of Eric Zemmour, in the 2020 legislative elections in Hérault, to answer in the negative.
– So you don't see the problem? insists the president
– No, I don't see it.
The MRAP and the LDH civil parties
She doesn't give up, “I'm not racist” she repeats, guaranteeing that her “It was never the intention to attack innocent people”. She then denounces the instrumentalization of the media with “journalist who hides the facts”et highlights its humanitarian commitment among populations suffering from famine. Me Bernard Stento, his lawyer, deplores for his part “a killing” of his client to whom we stuck “an infamous label”.
No question of judging opinions argues the public prosecutor. Alain Octuvon-Bazile assures that indignation or emotion are understandable. On the other hand, he said, the words “hateful”, “racist”Who “incite violence”characterize an offense. He requested a six-month suspended prison sentence, a 15,000 euro fine and three years of ineligibility. The judgment will be delivered on November 21.
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