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Mélanie and Rémy, new faces of CosmétiCar in Perpignan

Two new leaders join the family CosmétiCar in Perpignan. Mélanie and Rémy begin their entrepreneurial adventure with a week of intensive training, a sign of their commitment to offering a waterless, environmentally friendly car wash service.

Exemplary integration

Recently, Mélanie and Rémy, new franchisees in Perpignan, underwent exhaustive training at CosmétiCar headquarters. This training program covers all essential aspects of the activity: marketing, sales, administrative and technical. This step is crucial to ensure that they have all the skills required to provide quality service to their customers.

During this period, the two new franchisees not only assimilated waterless washing techniques, but also showed great determination and a strong commitment to the values ​​of CosmétiCar. Their investment was exemplary, perfectly reflecting the brand’s mission: to offer an efficient and ecological service.

New recruits particularly appreciated the sessions on waterless washing techniques. They also received valuable advice in marketing and commercial management, essential assets to succeed and develop their activity in the Perpignan sector.

CosmétiCar makes a point of supporting its franchisees at each stage of their journey, thus guaranteeing constant synergy and support. This integration promises to bring a new dynamic to the Perpignan agency.

The CosmétiCar franchise continues its mission of innovation and promotion of eco-responsible car wash solutions. Mélanie and Rémy are ready to take on the challenge, with a constant concern to contribute to the preservation of the planet.

Patrick Rucart


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