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A live tarantula found in the street in Brussels: “Daks” was abandoned by its owner

“Once upon a time there were the adventures of DAKS, the little tarantula…” This is how a surprising publication of the Brussels Police, posted on their X account (ex-Twitter), this Monday, June 17. A sentence that can make more than one shiver arachnophobebut which is still a sad reality.

Indeed, the animal was actually abandoned by its owner. According to the police, the spider was found “in the street, in his makeshift terrarium”. The “tiny beast” was then lodged at the Brussels-Centre police station. “The latter called on the help of the firefighters, specialized in this type of intervention, so that the animal could be taken care of by the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals of Brussels”specifies the post, accompanied by two photos of the tarantula in his terrarium.

The police also bring a message regarding these pets unusual (NAC, New Pets): “Although spiders are fascinating creatures, they require special attention and care”. She also calls on people to think carefully before adopting this kind of stupidity and being “sure that a spider [leur] suitable as a pet and matches [leur] way of life”.

Finally, the Brussels Police reminds that “abandonment, neglect and animal abuse are prohibited and punishable by law”. Indeed, many people don’t seem to understand that even spiders are living beings and deserve the same rights as dogs and cats, among others.


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