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Legislative elections 2024 – Nearly 150 people gathered in Beaune against the extremes

This Wednesday evening, nearly 150 people gathered at the Square des Lions for a “republican rally”, initiated by Didier Paris, candidate of the Renaissance Party and outgoing deputy for the 5th constituency. The objective was to block the National Rally and the New Popular Front.

Between 130 and 150 people responded to Didier Paris’ call, while the list led by Jordan Bardella reached 33.40% in the European elections in Côte-d’Or and the left bloc gathered more than 26%. . The Presidential Majority party totals 14.84%. The participants were able to freely express the reasons for their presence at this republican gathering.

Concerned citizens
Nicole, 82, shared her fear of seeing women’s fundamental rights diminish, fearing that the Veil law and other achievements would be threatened. “ We are experiencing a sad moment of truth: this is the first time since Vichy that we have seen the return of the extreme right. » A mother, the daughter of immigrants, also expressed her fear for women’s rights.
Another citizen described “ his impression of living a nightmare with this questioning of institutions, of France, of Europe “. He hopes that “ millions of French people will open their eyes to oppose both extremes ».

The left under fire from criticism
The left bloc, united under the banner of the New Popular Front, was not spared. A third person spoke, worrying about seeing the fundamentals of democracy flouted: “ It is not possible to vote for someone who only wants revolution ».

Call for the defense of republican values
A Ukrainian woman urged the French to preserve the values ​​of the Republic, recalling the dramatic situation in her country: “ It’s fortunate that this freedom, keep it ».
Pascal Grappin, President of the UDI Côte d’Or, spoke of a serious moment, but with the hope that the French will know how to “ stick together and do well to preserve the values ​​of the Republic ».
Geoffroy Brunel, head of the Renaissance Sud Côte-d’Or Federation, stressed the importance of choosing between republican values ​​and the extremes. “ Today, it’s not just about supporting Didier Paris. The situation is more serious: there is a left-wing bloc trying to make us believe that it is no longer NUPES, but know that if the left passes, it will be Mélenchon Prime Minister or Jordan Bardella for the National Rally ».

Commitment to the future
For Didier Paris, “ this republican gathering must defend France, our future, in order to continue to live in decent conditions. The only solution is the Republican arc that we propose with the presidential majority in the Assembly ».
He insisted on the importance of reacting on republican principles: “ The left is ideological before being realistic, with an economic program of 300 billion euros which will increase taxes. The right threatens public and individual freedoms with its self-isolation. We have a collective obligation to viscerally oppose the far right and the far left ».
This republican gathering concluded with the singing of the Marseillaise, marking the determination of the participants to defend the values ​​of the Republic.

Jeannette Monarchi


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