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the issues in the six constituencies of Calvados

The presidential majority is currently strong in five of the six constituencies of Calvados. But the breakthrough of the National Rally during the European elections could change the cards for the legislative elections.

40 candidates and barely two weeks of campaigning. In Calvados, most of the six constituencies are currently supported by a presidential majority, only the second leans to the left.

But the balance of power could change in the Normandy department. During the Europeans, the list of Jordan Bardella (RN) came first with 35.34%, ahead of Valérie Hayer (Ensemble/Renaissance), with 16.99%. Raphaël Glucksmann’s PS only came third and Manon Aubry fourth with LFI.

Many questions arise as the first round scheduled for Sunday June 30 (and the second, Sunday July 7) approaches.

The mayor of Caen in the race

First in Caen, in the first constituency, the duel promises to be close. During the previous legislative elections, the second round was decided with a difference of 200 votes between Fabrice Le Vigoureux for the presidential majority and Emma Fourreau (Nupes).

If the second is running under the label of the New Popular Front, Fabrice Le Vigoureux has decided to withdraw to make way for the surprise candidacy of Joël Bruneau, the LR mayor of Caen. Hostile to any pact between his political family and the National Rally, he decided to run under the various right label, judging his party “in the process of disappearing”.

Two candidates have been announced on the far right for this first constituency, Ludovic Daoudi for the RN and Matéo Leloup for Reconquête.

The first constituency includes Caen I, Caen II, Caen III, Caen VIII, Caen IX, Tilly-sur-Seulles.

The second constituency still on the left?

The only left-wing deputy from Calvados, Arthur Delaporte is a candidate for re-election in the second constituency, under the New Popular Front label. The elected PS was elected with more than 60% of the votes in 2022, against Sylvie Dumont-Prieux, of the presidential majority.

This time, Ensemble will be represented by Gregory Berkovicz while Josseline Liban will be the representative of the RN and Camille Brou is again a various right-wing candidate (LR-UDI-Centrists).

The second constituency includes Caen IV, Caen V, Caen VI, Caen VII, Caen X, Troarn.

Towards a move to the extreme right?

On the side of the third district, the RN had already managed to reach the second round in 2022, and had even received 46.50% of votes. The results in the Europeans could therefore give a good boost to Édouard Fauvage. Candidate under the Reconquest label in 2022, he received the nomination from Marine Le Pen’s party.

He will have to face the outgoing Horizons deputy Jérémie Patrier-Leitus for the Ensemble presidential majority but also the PS member Olivier Truffaut for the New Popular Front.

Nathalie Porte, vice-president of the Normandy Region in charge of tourism and attractiveness, was a Divers Right candidate but her candidacy was invalidated by the courts after the surprise withdrawal of her deputy at the last minute.


The third constituency includes Bretteville-sur-Laize, Cambremer, Falaise Nord, Falaise Sud, Lisieux II, Lisieux III, Livarot, Mézidon-Canon, Morteaux-Couliboeuf, Orbec, Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives, commune of Lisieux.

In the fourth districtChristophe Blanchet (Modem-Ensemble) won largely in 2022 with 61.81% of the votes, against the candidate Nupes, Pierre Mouraret. The latter is also back in the party in the form of the New Popular Front.

The RN is for its part represented by Chantal Henry and will have to deal with the presence of another far-right candidate, Pascale Deutsch of Reconquest.

The fourth constituency includes Blangy-le-Château, Cabourg, Dozulé, Honfleur, Lisieux I (less the commune of Lisieux), Ouistreham, Pont-l’Evêque, Trouville-sur-Mer.

Élisabeth Borne plans to keep her seat

Will the presidential majority keep its seat in the fifth district? Bertrand Bouyx, the Ensemble candidate, was elected in 2022 with 55.68% of the votes, against 44.32% for Valérie Harel, the representative of Nupes.

He will try to keep his seat at the Bourbon Palace while his former opponent is the deputy of Thomas Dupont-Federici, mayor of Bernières-sur-Mer and New Popular Front candidate. Arriving in third position in 2022, Philippe Chapron (RN) could be buoyed by his party’s good scores during the Europeans.

The fifth constituency includes Balleroy, Bayeux, Caumont-l’Eventé, Creully, Douvres-la-Délivrande, Isigny-sur-Mer, Ryes, Trévières.

Finally, if it is last in the list, the sixth district risks attracting a lot of attention, because former Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has decided to put her mandate back into play. She acquired it in 2022 with 52.46% of the votes, ahead of Noé Gauchard, the Nupes candidate who collected, him, 47.54% of the votes. The latter was reinvested under the New Popular Front banner.

On the far right, if Jean-Philippe Roy, already in the race in 2022, quickly announced his candidacy, he was ultimately replaced by Nicolas Calbrix by the RN. Lynda Lahalle will represent the “republican right”.

The sixth constituency includes Aunay-sur-Odon, Le Bény-Bocage, Bourguébus, Condé-sur-Noireau, Evrecy, Saint-Sever-Calvados, Thury-Harcourt, Vassy, ​​Villers-Bocage, Vire.

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