DayFR Euro

Here’s when tourists spent the most in Quebec in 2023

Each year, many major festivals and events attract tourists to Quebec who spend in the industry. Here are the days when foreign visitors spent the most in 2023, according to data collected by Moneris.

Tourists took out their cards more on the Saturday of the Quebec Summer Festival, July 15, thus increasing entertainment-related spending by 126% compared to the same date last year. This increase amounts to 48% when all key tourism sectors are combined.

Although the Canadian Grand Prix has a reputation for attracting many international travelers, June 18, the date of the event, did not reach the top 10.

“Even though spending still increased during the event, its absence from the list may suggest that time of year is the most important factor for tourism spending,” the Moneris team observed.

According to data, it is in July and August that foreign tourists spend the most in La Belle Province.

Here are the busiest days for foreign transactions last year:

1. Saturday July 15, 2023

2. Monday July 3, 2023

3. Sunday September 3, 2023

4. Saturday September 30, 2023

5. Saturday August 12, 2023

6. Sunday August 13, 2023

7. Sunday July 2, 2023

8. Sunday August 6, 2023

9. Monday August 14, 2023

10. Sunday July 16, 2023


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