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Swiss bees will be treated as livestock

Published on June 18, 2024 at 05:47.

We know the seminal role of bees in the natural ecosystem. About 80% of plants depend on their pollination. Surprisingly, we do not know the number of bees that inhabit Switzerland today. Their activity largely escapes the radar of the legislator, but this gap must be filled. Last week, at the end of the summer session, the National Council voted on a text which calls for a series of measures to be taken in order to “ensure pollination by protecting wild and domestic bees”, according to the title of the victorious motion. . The Council of States having already approved them at the end of 2023, these requests oblige the Federal Council to act. Ultimately, the 18,000 beekeepers who work in Switzerland and their associations could be supported by the authorities, making the bee the equal of the cow: a production animal like any other.

The motion tabled by Zougois Peter Hegglin details a large number of tasks to be carried out. Among them: assessing pollination needs and the risks arising from insufficient pollination; ensure that pollinating insects, particularly domestic and wild bees, have sufficient food; support the various associations in their tasks of protecting pollinating insects and encouraging respectful beekeeping by granting basic contributions or service mandates.

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