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Legislative elections 2024. Patrice Pauper, Ile-de-France lawyer parachuted by the RN into the 4th constituency of Eure


Béatrice Cherry-Pellat

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

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The stakes are high for Patrice Pauper, the candidate nominated by the National Rally on the 4th district of Eure. So consistent that the party of Marine Le Pen preferred to opt for a candidate from the Parisian region rather than investing a local member.

A “long-time” sympathizer with the far-right party, Patrice Pauper (56 years old) has been practicing as a lawyer for 25 years in theEssonne. He lives in Draveil.

In my work, I encounter many problems, it’s unbearable to see what is happening in our society. I aspire to greater security, order and respect for the French. I think that the National Rally is the only party that can meet these aspirations.

If the lawyer defended the interests of the National gathering However, in the context of litigation, he has never held an electoral mandate.

“Delinquency is everywhere”

Parachuted into theEure, the candidate admits to “knowing the territory through those close to him (notably the municipal councilor of Louviers, Benoît Balsan) and through current events. Delinquency is everywhere, no territory is spared. Look at what happened with the death of prison administration staff in the Louviers district. »

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In order to better establish itself in the territory, Patrice Pauper intends to open a secondary office in Louviers and to distribute his schedule between the Paris region and the 4th district. A project that he had in mind “even before the president announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. We were taken by surprise. »

His deputy, Josselin Launay (38 years old), lives in Eure, Vernon.

Philippe Brun, main opponent

Patrice Pauper is aware that his main opponent to win the 4th constituency of Eure is the outgoing deputy Philippe Brun : “He was a very involved MP in his constituency. Philippe Brun is a person of quality, his only misfortune is to have been attached to the Nupes and today to the Popular Front. »

As for the candidacy of his opponent Stacy Blondel for Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquest! : “When people want to have a voice, let them do it! I am a Democrat and a Republican. May the best win ! »

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