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“She no longer has classes, she stays at home”: in Charente, second-year students struggle to find an internship

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Multiple refusals for students

Emma, ​​15, a student at Saint-Paul high school in Angoulême, has not received any positive response. “Like some of my friends.” There are surely too many searches in the city,” she laments. “I know many who, out of obligation, begin internships for which they are not motivated. Most professions are not popular, such as the medical sector. » His mother admits to being just as helpless. “Either she is too young for what she wants to do, or the companies refuse. They have other things to do than take care of a 15-year-old boy, under observation, for two weeks.”

Attracted by psychology or supporting children, she then searched the 1jeune1solution site, full of internship offers. More than 1700, according to the Academy of Poitiers. “The answers were all the same,” assures Emma. This Angoumoisine is far from being the only one in this case. They all make similar arguments. Particularly in Barbezieux, and in less economically attractive towns. As a result, the students report internships “far from home, most of the time in Angoulême”. The dates of this professional integration (until June 28) are also not interchangeable. “We had an internship but the Marguerite-de-Valois high school, where my daughter goes to school, refused to be flexible. She no longer has classes and therefore stays at home. Too bad,” regrets Jennifer, her mother.

The network, the sinews of war

For Guillaume Brun, president of the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE) of Charente, “students whose parents have little network are particularly affected”. Insurance issues for minor children also slow down businesses.

As for the rectorate, Yannick Thevenet, guidance counselor, puts forward figures: “The ministry indicates that 70% of students have found their internship. We don’t really have a figure locally, but we estimate a similar rate, or even higher, in the academy. » However, there are still dozens of high school students left behind. Good news: “A priori, no sanction is planned for students without a solution”.


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