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Julien Morganti and Sacha Bastelica, candidates in the 1st constituency of Haute-Corse, presented their approach

The early legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. In Corsica, 32 candidates submitted an application. This Monday, June 17, two candidates presented their approach in the 1st constituency of Haute-Corse: Julien Morganti and Sacha Bastelica.

In the 1st constituency of Haute-Corse, the outgoing deputy, Michel Castellani, will face 10 other candidates during the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

This Monday, June 17, two candidates presented their approach. First, Julien Morganti, uninitiated candidate and opposition municipal councilor in Bastia. Accustomed to political life, he reached the second round of the legislative elections in 2022 against the outgoing deputy Femu a Corsica.

And Julien Morganti hasn’t changed much in two years. Same pair, same permanence, only difference: his campaign slogan. “Progressive and Republican Union”.

The report by Pierrick Nannini and Océane Da Cunha:

duration of video: 00h01mn41s


©France Télévisions

Although he boasts broad support, the Bastia opposition, embodied by Jean Zuccarelli and Jean-Martin Mondoloni, opted for the candidacy of Jean-François Paoli (Radical Party).

Julien Morganti mentions only one name of partner: that of François-Xavier Ceccoli, various right-wing candidate in the 2nd constituency of Haute-Corse, whose approach would be parallel to his own.

There is a similar approach, an agreement in the approaches, and that is what is very important for the first time, the voters of the department can have a common strategy. Which will both foreshadow both municipal elections, but also territorial elections”, indicates the candidate without label.

“Deceived voters”

Then, Sacha Bastelica, New Popular Front candidate in the constituency, from the ranks of La France Insoumise. Here, the union was made at the last minute since the communist candidate Michel Stefani had submitted his candidacy to the prefecture on Sunday, before finally withdrawing after intense negotiations.

It is in the southern districts of Bastia that the young man, outgoing councilor of the Assemblea di a Ghjuventù, presented his approach. Neighborhoods where 35% of the population lives below the poverty line.

The left-wing candidate hopes to convince with a social discourse. 10 days ago, during the European election, the National Rally nevertheless came out on top in these same neighborhoods.

The report by Paul Salort and Guillaume Leonetti:

duration of video: 00h01mn57s


©France Télévisions

These are voters who are being deceived, by a fraud in the programmatic base of the National Rally and any far-right party. I will give a simple example, go see Hungary, go see the countries in Europe which have fallen into the hands of the extreme right. Have you seen poverty decline? Have you seen people work better for a living? No. This is what we are fighting against and this candidacy makes sense to vote in these neighborhoods”, supports Sacha Bastelica.

During the 2022 legislative elections, the addition of the votes of rebellious and communist candidates represented 12% in the 1st round in this constituency. The objective for the candidate of the New Popular Front is to achieve this score, at a minimum.

These two candidates still have 12 days to campaign and stand out from the nine other contenders in the running: Michel Castellani (Femu a Corsica), Nicolas Battini (Mossa Palatina), Jean-Michel Marchal (National Rally), Alexis Fernandez (Sovereignist), Jean-François Paoli (Radical Party), Jean-Michel Lamberti (Reconquest), Batti Lucciardi (Core in Fronte), Olivier Josue (Lutte Ouvrière), Gaël Maquet (SE).


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