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Émilise Lessard-Terrien will deliver a speech at Saint-Jean organized by Catherine Dorion and Sol Zanetti

Several weeks after resigning with a bang, Émilise Lessard-Terrien will make her comeback among solidarity activists, when she will give a speech during the National Day organized by Catherine Dorion and Sol Zanetti.

“It is the great Émilise Lessard-Therrien who will deliver the patriotic speech next Saturday at La Saint-Jean dans le bois with Sol Zanetti and Catherine Dorion,” announced the Citizen Independence group.

On Facebook, the former co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire affirmed that she had rediscovered the desire to speak out, that she had “finally found” her spring.

“Because after the maple syrup, the birch syrup, the seedlings, the greens which burst everywhere, the sun which never ceases to set, the passion which was buried deep, wants to s snort again. I can’t wait to see you and for us all to meet up in the woods to sing about us and hope,” she wrote. “Hundreds of you have written to me, stopped in the street for witticisms. To get news. Our world is filled with warmth and beautiful humans. I feel extremely pampered. There is a little bit of healing taken from each of these gestures. THANKS.”

Sold out

Last April, four months after her election as female co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire, Émilise Lessard-Therrien left her position. She was exhausted.

The 33-year-old politician and farmer, who had been off work for several weeks.

“Just four months was enough to exhaust me. Completely,” pointed out the former member for Rouyn-Noranda–Témiscamingue.

She deplored having, in vain, tried to “breathe new life into the party”, without being able to influence the solidarity machine already in motion, targeting the close guard of Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

His departure also triggered an internal crisis at Québec solidaire. Following an emotional national council, members finally lined up behind the male co-spokesperson by adopting the Saguenay Declaration and agreeing to update the left-wing party’s program.

Émilise Lessard-Terrien’s successor will be known this fall. For the moment, only Ruba Ghazal has confirmed that she is entering the race.

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