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Septets Lot & Garonne – FAVORITE Agglomeration of Agen

the essential
For 20 years, the Septuors ceremony has crowned innovative, deserving and socially committed companies in Occitania. Available in the territories, it returns for a new edition in Lot-et-Garonne, on Thursday June 27 for an awards ceremony evening at Agen Agora (from 6:30 p.m.), and will reward 9 local companies selected by a jury of actors influential in Lot-et-Garonne.

A new formula with new media visibility was validated this year, to further promote the region and its great businesses.

This year, the trophy presentation will take place at the heart of a show by illusionist Rémi Larrousse.

If you would like to participate in the evening

The Partner: AGEN AGGLO

Interview with Olivier Grima, vice-president of the Agglomeration of Agen in charge of economic development

How will Agen Agglo act in 2024 with businesses in its territory to promote economic dynamics?

In 2024, the Agglomeration of Agen continues its commitment to boost the local economy by implementing various actions aimed at supporting businesses in our area such as: the offer of economic land, outreach to businesses, support to innovation and the economic sector dedicated to the environmental transition, and the creation of networks.

The Agglomeration of Agen was labeled Territoires d’Industrie at the end of 2023, this labeling highlights the wealth of industries present in the territory on a national scale, it also allows access to financing for industrial projects.

The Agglomeration of Agen is also acting on two aspects: modernizing and requalifying existing activity zones, to preserve current employment and avoid relocations, and anticipating the future by developing new land offers.

Our teams are also present in the field to support company projects in their search for real estate solutions.

Thus, the creation of quality land offers is a real challenge in order to support future projects.

Can you detail some of the actions and measures undertaken by Agen Agglo this year?

We are continuing our initiatives intended to support and boost our local economy, such as: the Eco Breakfasts, an event now well established in our territory which allows entrepreneurs and business leaders to learn about local economic news. But also, since last year, the Eco After, which allows economic players to meet in a less formal setting and thus strengthen their networks, and also the Eco Workshops, which are designed and organized to focus on themes such as cybersecurity last year or the industrial and territorial economy this year.

This year, we are also celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Agen Boé MIN, an opportunity to highlight the importance of this activity zone, since it is the only production MIN in new Aquitaine. Over the past 5 years, €11 million has been committed to modernizing this site, with the aim of making it a regional food hub promoting the development of local food circuits and enabling support for the productive function.

Finally, at the start of the school year, we are very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​inaugurating the LA SERRE Business Incubator at the Agen Garonne Technopole. This modern and fully equipped space is intended to welcome young companies and startups by offering them an environment conducive to their growth. Our desire is to create an ecosystem dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship, also open to companies already established in the region.

What appeals to you most about the history of this favorite company that you are going to celebrate during the Septuors?

The favorite of the Agglo d’Agen is awarded this year to a young company which perfectly embodies innovation and commitment to sustainable development.

Indeed, Bio Tank was founded by two entrepreneurs passionate about green technology. The company specializes in sorting bio-waste and is creating its first bin shelter prototype in 2021 for commercial and collective catering professionals (restaurants, canteens). These bin shelters were designed to respond to the problems of nuisance generated by the rapid degradation of organic waste (odors, insects, pests, etc.).

Today these bin shelters are being tested in the Agen eco-district on various public and private sites: MACIF, SDIS, DOMITYS, La Saléve, etc.

Olivier GRIMA

Photo: Olivier GRIMA


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